chapter 55

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He was getting restless nd impatient wid the passing time...

One of the worker went to riddhima.. nd informed her.. riddhima was confused..

She went out of the kitchen... nd walked few steps... nd there her eyes felt on the person whom her eyes were longing to see... her eyes widened... she freezed on her place... her breath stopped for a while... her eyes became teary...

V: Call the person dammit who made this coffee......(he shouted)

Riddhima jerked...

Voice: I made this coffee...

Everyone's eyes went to the source of voice.. it was maria... vanshs grip loosed from badris collar... in dissapointment... before vansh could see riddhima.. riddhima hide behind wall...

Mar: sry sir if i did any mistake.. plzz forgive us.. sir..

Vansh was staring maria emotionless...

V: U made this??

Riddhima was hearing the convo from behind the wall.. tears were rolling down her cheeks unknowingly.. she placed her palms on her mouth...

What is he doing here.. riddhima thought.. .

Mar: yess... sir.. i m sry if u find any thing wrong in coffee...

Adhi: vansh what happened??

Vansh went from there.. glaring everyone there... adhiyunt was shocked why he suddenly behaved so strange...

Badri to Adhi: sir we r extremely sry...

Adhi: its okay...

He too went... out..

Riddhima saw vansh near the window.. he was standing upset placing his hands on window glass.. insiders were able to see outside view but outsiders were not able to see inside view.. riddhima could see him clearly.. but vansh couldn't she can see how his eyes were holding tears.. she went near the window.. how much she wanted to hug him nd hid herself in his embrace.. but now those embrace were not for her anymore...

Tears continously rolled down her cheeks...she placed her hand on the glass where his hands were placed.. on the glass...

She cried... her heart cracked.. she was feeling like some one stabbed her heart.. she saw adhiyunt came nd asked vansh what was the reason behind the strange behaviour nd his reply made her eyes widened..

V: bcoz that coffee tasted exactly like my riddhimas Hands coffeee... (sighed)

"you are a craving, you are an intoxication..

This heart of mine is your slave..

I wish to live you freely.."

Adhiyunt sighed.. : nd u thought she was here...

Vansh nodded..

riddhima was surprised he still remembers her coffee... nd he said MY riddhima... unknown how much he missed her.. like a mad.. she was staring his face through glass.. like its the last time.. like she was fullfiling her craves of seeing him.. from past 6 months..

️♥️Love from you is a necessary contentment of the heart..♥️

Adhi: lets go Vansh...

Vansh nodded..

Riddhimas heart cried.. he is not your riddhima... remember what happened 6 months back remember... her mind spoke..

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