chapter 19

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Vansh carried her in bridal style nd she burried her head in his chest.... he glared everyone... nd was surrounded by bodyguards so that no paparazzi could take photo... of riddhima in this situation.

He made her sit in car... nd glared at last at the college building nd the principal nd gritted his teeth... nd sat inside the car nd closed the door wid bang.. nd hugged riddhima... she was not stopping she was crying continuesly.. vansh rested his chin on her head... nd caressed her hairs..

V:ssshhhh.... riddhima u r safe now... sshhh...

Vansh kissed her forhead.. to calm her.. vansh kept caressing her hairs.. nd placing kisses on her forehead to soothe her calm her.. nd rubbed her arms.. to ensure he is there nothing will happen to her till they reach VR MANSION...

They reached at mansion... nd vansh carried her in bridal style... riddhimas condition was more vulnerable due to continous crying... her eyes were swelled nd red.. her lips were dry.. shine nd glow on her face was vanished.. the glow the smile she had in morning.. was vanished.. she was excited that this day will be one of the best day of her life but it became the worst day of her life... vanshs heart ached looking her condition.. They both were looking eachother... vansh carefully placed her on bed.. nd sat infront of her.. her tears were rolling down her cheeks.. not stopping... vansh saw fingermarks on her cheeks.. nd bruise near her lips.. he caressed her cheeks..

V: did he raise his hand??

Riddhima nodded... vanshs eyes were holding fire in it.. he gritted his teeth.. he caressed his thumb on corner of her lips.. she hissed.. his expression changed he looked her with concern nd care.. she again broke down..


Vansh kept his palm on her cheeks..

R: i.. i.. said h..him.. pl..zzz s..stop.. b..but he didnt.. he.. didnt..( she cried )

Vanshs heart was cracking seeing her this condition he cursed ronak.. from his heart.. ac..actually.. i.. i begged hi..him.. but he.. he..di..didnt.. s..stop... (she cried)

Vansh caressed her cheeks softly wid his thumb... its better she confess rather than keeping inside her heart.. vansh wanted to rip that bastards head from his body... he wanted to torcher that ronak.. in everyway..

R:He...he.. s..said.. I... I m.. a wom..women.. w..who can go.. to.. a..any exte..extent.. for .. ( tears were continuously rolling down her cheeks)

Vansh felt more bad nd was feeling guilty bcoz in starting somewhere he also thought the same...

R:v..vansh.. i m not... i m not that type of women....

Vansh rubbed her tears...

R:va..vansh he.. sa..said me... b..bitch...

Vansh gritted his teeth nd fisted his hand for sure he will punish a deadliest punishment to that ronak.. vansh wiped her tears...

R: He.. sa..said slu-

Before she could complete her sentence

Vansh sealed her lips with his... he couldnt hear that word for her.. he wanted to soothe her pain.. he wanted to shower his love.. yes love.. he kissed her wid all love nd affection... wid all care nd concern.. riddhima was surprised but then she felt his concern care love nd affection.. he pulled her more closer... she calm down.. he broke the kiss nd placed his forehead on her forehead they both were breathing heavily.. they both closed their eyes.. their heart was beating fast.. he cupped her face with one hand still their foreheads joined.. breathing heavily..

V:sshhhh... ridddhima... u have done nothing wrong there was no fault of yours.. calm down... ssshhh.... u r the purest soul i had ever seen... riddhima.. sshh...

Riddhima calmed down... there was knock on door.. they moved away...

V:come in..

Door opened nd riddhimas mother nd father were standing.. sukanya.. came nd hugged riddhima.. riddhima hugged her mother.. nd cried... riddhimas father caressed her hairs.. vansh nd rudra went out of the room to provide mother nd daughter little private time..

Angre Adhiyunt nd sejal were already standing in hall.. vansh came..

V: i wont leave those bastards... i swear.. Angre... get all the black deeds of that principal out.. nd i want that aggarwal to be removed from his MLA position.. nd no one should help him.. i repeat no one nor he will also face my wrath.. nd I want he should be bank corrupted.. do. U. Get. It.....

Ang: yess boss... boss Ronak..??

V: i have a special surprise for him...

Sej: can i meet riddhima...

Vansh looked sejal.. sejal gulped bcoz his eyes were holding fire... she licked her lips.. Vansh looked adhiyunt.. Adhiyunt blinked..

Vansh nodded.. nd a servent showed sejal riddhimas room...
Riddhima hugged sejal.. sukanya nd sejal both made her feel lil good.. now it was evening.. vansh knocked their room.

V: Aunt- sry sejal u should leave now.. its getting dark.. or i will arrange guest rooms....

Suk:no no beta.. she is fine now.. nd i know u r here u will take care of her i saw in news how u shield her.. god bless.. u..

She looked riddhima nd holded her hand..

Suk: now i m assured we handed our daughter in right hands..

Riddhima smiled..

Suk: now we should go..

She kissed riddhimas forehead nd caressed her hairs..

Suk:take care... come sejal..

Sej: take care riddhima..

She hugged riddhima..

Vansh looked riddhima nd suddenly they both looked away remembering their kiss.. nd blushed.. they went out..

Sukanya nd rudra went..

Sej:now i should also leave..

V: wait i will ask my driver to send..

Sej: no its ok..


Adhi: I will drop her..

Vanshs eyes widened..

Adhi:if she dont mind..

Adhiyunt looked towards her..

Sej: ab.. o..ok..

Adhiyunt smiled.. nd vansh smirked.. they both went..

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