chapter 38

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It was a fresh morning.... sunlight peeked inside the room felt on vanshs.. face.. he startled by the sunlight he moved his hand beside where riddhima was sleeping.. his eyes were still closed..  his hand couldnt find her... he opened his eyes..  nd saw she wasnt beside him.. room was having a pleasent smell... curtain were swaying nd dancing in proper tunes of windbells tingling.. there was a pleasent light.. in room.. vansh got up nd looked here nd there nd found it was morning 8:30 after 4days he slept peacefully..  a smile appeared on his face.. thinking about his woman..  she realised she wasnt at room.. it irritates him alot he wants when he open his eyes.. he should see her 1st...





Riddhima was in kitchen making breakfast for ajay nd vansh from the day ajay had came nd his health became unstable riddhima made sure she will prepare proper diet for ajay.. as well as vansh.. she is not going to make tasteless food she will make which will have taste plus it will be healthy... but today her face wasnt having satisfaction nd happiness.. she was still lost in her deep thoughts... thinking what she should do.. she cant even ask him directly.. she is somewhere scared embarassed..






Vansh wore his shirt... buttoned 4 5 buttons nd upper 2 3 buttons left unbuttoned..

V: Riddhimaaaa..  my coffee...(he shouted)

Peter entered the room wid coffee mug.. nd vanshs smiley face turned into stern face..

P: sir your coffee...

V: just keep it.. nd out. (Cold face nd tone)

Peter kept the coffee nd went...

V:why this woman is behaving like this..

He took the coffee mug nd took a sip of coffee... he gritted... he kept the mug on table.. nd fisted his hand..

V:Why why u r doing this riddhima...?? Whyy?? u didnt made this coffee....

He gritted his teeth nd fisted his hand.. he moved his fingers in his hairs.. roughly.


Peter came running.. h bowed his head nd stood like a statue..

P: yess sir..

V: where is riddhima?(cold voice)

P: sir ma'am is in kitch-

Before he could complete vansh marched towards kitchen gritting h is teeth.. his anger was at peak.... he hates the the most when someone never give him attention nd it never happened he have the aurra that attracts ppls attentions towards him.... 

He went towards kitchen like a errupting volacano.. he reached at the kitchen entrance... his all anger vanished in seconds  looking at her angelic face... in  messy bun.. her hair strands were troubling her a little.. she was preparing dough of flour so she could make chapatis.. nd her hair strands were troubling her...

She was preparing dough... nd suddenly two arms encircled around her waist.. she jerked as well as shivered..  he opened her hairs..

Nd placed his chin on her left shoulder...

V: Good morning sweetheart...

He said placing kiss near her earlobe..


He nuzzled his nose on her neck...

V: why u didnt make coffee... hmm??

He kept nuzzling his nose on her neck nd shoulder nd placing kisses on her neck..

Unaware bcoz of his question riddhima zoned out.. she was  again in deep thoughts.. of those photos..

After a minute vansh realized she isnt responding..

This triggered vansh he moved away nd she still didnt realised.. nd was lost in her thoughts...

Vansh banged his hand on kitchen slab due to which riddhima came out of her trances..

V:What the helll!!!!(shouted)

Nd clenched his jaw.. he pulled her towards him his grip on her arms were tight..

V: as your husband when i give you attention atleast i expect i will also get your full attention... but no...

He pushed her a lil...

V:my wife have lots of attention for many ppls but not 1% of attention is there for her husband... va..

Vansh went throwing the dishes kept on slab.. which broked into 100 of pieces.. riddhima gasped nd starled..

Riddhima rubbed her forehead..

R: what is happening what is truth nd what is lie.. i cant understand!!!

A tear drop fell from her eyes..

Vansh went to his study like a volcano which can errupt any time.. on anyone.. he kicked the chair in frustration nd sat on couch.. nd took a long breath..

Whats wrong wid riddhima.. ?? Why the hell she is behaving like this.. everything was fine till yesterday.. what happened so suddenly when i came from bathroom that she is behaving like this...  arghhhh !!!! Vansh thought..

Nd then his dad entered..
Aj: Good job vansh..

He showed a news paper on which the Headlines were written..

Mr Ayaan Huda India's Top scientist lost his life by an experiment accident...

Aj: world doesnt know it wasnt an accident it was his punishment.. of his deeds..

Ajay smirked.. vansh too smirked.. ajay hugged vansh...

Aj: Proud of my son.  Proud of u..

Nd suddenly vansh zoned out.. nd remembered those 4 days..


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