chapter 33

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V:Ask..ask na riddhimaa....

He said tucking her hair strands..  riddhima took a long breath nd closed her eyes..

R: vansh i want u to quit smoking...

Vansh face turned stern.. riddhima licked her lips nd gulped..

R:Va..vansh.. if u dont want to quit its okay but i want u to reduce smoking... like in a day once... once in 2 days... smoking 3 4 times a day is harmful for your health..

Vansh was looking her widout expression.. riddhima looked down.. Vansh pulled her closer.. she gasped nd her hands automatically holded his shoulders... vansh caressed her cheeks....

V:My wife had asked me something for 1st time..  nd if i dont give her then what ppl will say.. Vansh Raisinghania even cant fullfill his wifes wish...

Riddhima smiled... looking into his eyes.. 

V: but.. u know na it will take time to leave cigarette completely...

R:I know Vansh.. I know... Thank u so much Vansh...

She hugged him...

V:Na..... sweetheart... u have to pay...

Riddima broked the hug nd stood up from his lap.. nd made a confused face...

V:Areeeee... u womens need everything for free... i m going to leave smoking to which i m addicted.. so obviously i will be needing another addictive thing in exchange...

He said making a innocent face.. riddhima was confused.. vansh stood up.. nd pulled her towards him by her waist...  she crashed on his chest..

R:Va..vansh.. exchange?? I dint understand.. what??

Vansh rolled his eyes..

V:If i m leaving one addictive thing in exchange i need another addictive thing riddhima... (He said staring her lips intensly)

Riddhima noticed his stairs nd blushed she hitted his bare chest playfully..


Vansh chuckled: What???

Riddhima thought why not to tease him..

R:Vansh.. wear your shirt.. i think its late now.. u should go home... nd take rest..

Vansh was looking her like Are u mad...

R:what!!! Its 11pm u have to go to office also early morning..  soo i think u should go.. now..

V:What the.... i m not going anywhere... i m your husband nd son in law of this house...

Riddhima pressed her lips not to laugh..

She comtinued her teasing session..

R:ohhh!! Nd son in law is living here widout mother nd father in laws realisation woww!!

Boom... this line pressed his ego button..

But riddhima unaware of this.. kept teasing..

R:look.. mother nd father in laws dont know their dear son in law is living here.. nd son in law is sneaking in their room..

Vansh face turned stern.. riddhima noticed his face.. her smile vanished... vansh pulled her towards him by her waist..

V:U have pressed the wrong button Sweetheart...(cold voice)

Riddhima shivered.. :Va... vansh... i..i was..

Before she could say anything vansh left her nd started buttoning his shirt.. riddhima was confused he then picked his coat..

R:Va..vansh what r u doing.. vansh..

Vansh paying no heed to her question he picked nd marched towards balcony.. riddhima understood he took it seriously nd going.. riddhima hitted her head in her mind.. she tried stopping vansh...

R:Va..vansh.. i was just teasing u.. nothing more. Plzz dont go..

Vansh ignored her nd climbed down making a grumpy face.. 


Vansh went..  she hitted her palm on her forehead.  .her eyes had tears..  she thought to call him.. she picked her phone nd dialed him nd she could hear his phone ringtone in her room he forgot his phone here it self.. riddhima sat on couch wid thud she rubbed her face she was in urge to cry she made him upset.. she was about to cry.. nd suddenly she heard calling bell ringing.. she made a confused face..

R:At this time who might have come???

Again bell rang.. she went out of room she saw her parents r wake up too her father went nd opened the door..  nd what she saw made her eyes widened even rudra nd sukanya were shocked... riddhima was not able to blink..

Rudra:Vansh.... u here this time..  come beta.  

Yess vansh he smirked looking riddhima.. he had perfectly set his hairs..  his coat was perfectly set riddhima was standing shocked he took her joke seriously..

V:Ab.. dad... vo.. (He looked riddhima ) I was missing riddhima... so i thought... (innocent face)

Oh my god . Rudra nd sukanya pressed there lips not to laugh riddhima was standing wid wide eyes..  nd was about to faint means her husband came taking her joke seriously nd like a shameless he is saying he was missing her.. there was silence for a while..
V: Hope you wont mind...

Rud:Aree why we will mind beta.. its your home only u can come any time..

Suk:yess beta u sit we will bring food for u..

V:No.. no i already had my food u dont have to worry.. (looking at riddhima who was standing shocked he smirked)

Riddhima was feeling so embarassed.. her parents were pressing there lips not to laugh..

V:Sorry dad.. sorry i didnt wanted to disturb u...

Suk: its okay beta.. u called us mon nd dad nd parents r always there for their children. 

Vansh smiled hearing her warm words..

Rud:U must be tired riddhima take him to your room...

Riddhima was still in shock she jerked..

R:Hmm??haaaa yess...

Vansh smirked...

She shouldnt have messed wid her husband..

V:Lets go riddhima...

Riddhima gulped..:Hmm.. ye. Yes..

They turned to leave..  she felt his arms encircling her waist.. she shivered...

V:U shouldnt have messed wid your husband.. Mrs Vansh Raisinghania..  (He said in a husky voice)

She looked him he was smirking his face was showing proudness..  they entered her room... as they entered the room vansh immediately  closed the door nd widout wasting more seconds he claimed her lips through his..  it was getting hard..  vansh pulled her more closer... she moaned.. nd her grip tightened on his nape...

V:Now i m here wid full realisations of my laws now who will save u riddhima..  u shouldnt have messed now u will be punished..

He kissed her...

After while when they needed oxygen they broke the kiss  Vansh removed his coat and shirt nd laid on bed covering himself wid duvet as nothing happened riddhima was still standing shocked.. nd vansh enjoyed her face nd smirked..

V:R u coming beside me or should i help u???(husky voice)

Riddhima came out from shock.. she got enough shocks for today now she don't want another.. she silently moved beside him.. she was sleeping at a distance.. which irritated vansh.. vansh pulled her towards him.. 

V:stay here..  like this..  close to me..

Nd he switch off the light... they both slept in eachothers embraces...

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