chapter 63

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Vansh was discharged.. from hospital..

They all reached VR mansion.. Vansh was said to use wheel chair untill his legs properly get well..

Peter Dsouza nd servants were equally happy that their master is well nd everthing sorted between him nd riddhima..

In riansh room...

Adhiyunt nd angre made vansh sit on bed..


V: what soo..

Adhi: enjoy!!

Angre chuckled

Vansh glared Adiyunt... riddhima came wid food tray... angre nd adhiyunt passed a smile to her.. to which riddhima reciprocated...

Adhiyunt nd angre left the duo alone.. vansh smiled.. riddhima arranged the food tray..

R: okay so now u have to finish all this..

V: is this food riddhima?  Porridge?? Is this thing to eat?? Soup spinach soup??? Really??

Riddhima rolled her eyes..

R: vansh who is dietician?? Me right so lemme decide what u should eat nd what not... u had extreme blood loss... means lack of iron nd spinach is good source of iron so u have to finish all this...

Vansh groaned if not riddhima peter or dsouza would have bought this same he would have took out his all anger on them.. but now its his queens order his sweethearts order.. whom he cant neglect..

V: okay fine....

Riddhima chuckled...

Riddhima  fed vansh.. he was enjoying his wife taking care of him.. riddhima was done feeding vansh.. she wiped his mouth.. nd took out some tablets.. nd poured water in glass..

R: hmmm.. now take this...

Vansh didnt react he was staring her wid grumpy face...

R: what??

V:dont u think sweetheart u r torchering me?

Riddhima made confused face

R: whatt i.. i m torchering u how??

V: i m not having this tablets nd medicines..

R: vanshhh what is this childish behaviour.. plzz have it..

V: not at alll.. u r behaving rude..

Riddhima gasped..

R: no.. vansh i m not behaving rude its like ki i m worried about your health plz have these tablets...

V: i have one condition...

R: condition?? What condition??

V: riddhima do u agree that i m suffering lots of pain nd now this tasteless food??

R: yess..

V:so dont u think i should be rewarded everyday after this much torcher i mean so I could feel elated nd get well soon.

Riddhima could found something fishy

V: if u r ready to agree my condition.. then only I'll have these medicines...

R:accha okay fine whats your condition..

Vansh smirked : Kiss...

Riddhimas eyes widened: whatttt

V: i want kiss... after taking medicine I want a kiss..

R: Va..

V: if u agree then talk...

Riddhima took a long breath..: okay fine..

Vansh smiled like a kid. Riddhima chuckled..

Riddhima gave him tablets he gulped all in seconds..

Riddhima was shocked..

V: okayy done... now its your turn..

Riddhima blushed..

V: whatt?? Blush later.. 1st my kiss...

Riddhima leaned towards his lips... his eyes were staring her lips intensly... she leaned... nd pecked his lips..

Vanshs eyes widened she looked away her cheeks turned red...

V: wait what was this... it wasnt kiss... do u forget how to kiss?? No problem..

He pulled her towards him nd smashed his lips on her.. his left hand was travelling all over her waist.. he kissed her hard... she moaned..

V: U have to kiss like this sweetheart...

She blushed.. vansh kissed her more... she too reciprocated the kiss.. riddhima broke the kiss... she was breathing heavily.. she got up

V: where r u going i m not done..

Riddhimas eyes widened: Vanshh!!

V: u r teasing me sweetheart lemme get well then I'll teach u a lesson... (smirked)

R: Pervert!!

She throwed a pillow on him..


Riddhima became tensed.. she went towards him nd started checking his hand..

R: sorry sorry!! Vansh is it paining too much.. ?? Where its paining tell me?? (Worried)

Vansh held her waist.. riddhima gasped.. vansh smirked... riddhimas eyes widened..

R: you......

She tried getting out of his grip.. she didnt putted her all force as it could hurt vansh..

Vanshs face turned into serious face Vansh caressed her cheeks... nd kissed her forehead..

V: riddhima.. i m fine now u shouldn't worry much.. i had said to Angre he will do your all paper work of your college u r rejoining college from tommorow...

Riddhimas eyes widened she looked vansh wid teary eyes..

R: but vansh.. how can i leave u..??

V:ssshhhh.. sweetheart already bcoz of me... u had lost connection wid your career.. now i dont want again bcoz of me you lost your connection with your studies nd college.. (said caressing her cheeks)
Riddhimas eyes had tears of happiness she was falling for him more.. nd more.. she held his hand..

R: but vansh.. I had already missed many things.. nd after 3 months i have my exams how I'll prepare i dont think i can..

Vansh pulled her more closer..

V: sshhh its last time when u r saying u cant do anything u can do everything.. U r Mrs Riddhima Vansh Raisinghania... My wife.. u r rejoining thats it...

R:  okay.. but after a month or 2 3 weeks.. after u get lil well..

V: riddhima... there r many ppl here.. nd i m paying them for this only u dont worry.. u concentrate in your studies nd exam..

He held her hand nd kissed her hand..

V: but yeahh your nights should be mine.. sweetheart... i want u in my embrace..

Riddhima smiled..




Days passed riddhima rejoined college she met sejal.. sejal was happy for riddhima that every thing sort out.. vansh was recovering.. riddhima was working more hard.. but in all this she use to took out some time for vansh nd feed him.. nd give him his medicines.. she doesnt want to take any risk in matter of his health so she took care of his whole diet not only him.. she took care of Ajay.. she prepared a food chart for both father nd son nd both followed the chart as riddhima was much strict in matter of health.. and according to the deal.. ❤ riddhima use to finish her all college work till evening.. nd her all night time was only for her husband... in these passing days.. they both came more close to eachother.. they were understanding eachother more..
They both use to sleep in eachothers embrace...  vansh use to felt lil difficulties at night while sleeping... riddhima felt bad for him..

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