chapter 60

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Btw 6 Months....

Vansh banged his hand on table...

V:What the.... helllllll that raghav is missing i want him... soon infront of my eyes find him... goooo!!!!

Vansh shouted dangerously to spies..  they all went.. adhiyunt rubbed vanshs shoulder...

V; I m damn sure its not him... theres someone else in all this.. knowingly he or she created misunderstandings btw me nd riddhima... knowing my weak nerve he or she pressed that nerve.. but they r highly mistaken.  They had woke up a beast inside me   they have to pay...

Adhi:What do u feel who it must be???

Vansh remembered The argument between him nd DSR...

V: Will talk about this after proofs...


In a dark room...

Man and a girl were  lying no floor nd badly beaten had many bruises on their body.. blood oozing out.. 

Man: Plzzz... leave me.. plzz..

Girl:plzz leave me...

Voice:Hahahaha (devilish laugh)

Both man looked to the source of voice..

Man:Why r u punishing us..?? We helped u...???

It was noneother than.. DSR himself nd man was raghav nd girl tanya..

DSR: u fools.. vansh is very smart u couldn't have hide from him he would have caught u... nd u two would have became a danger for me.. so thought y not to finish the root of danger...

He said smirking..

Rag:U cheater bastard...!!!!

DSR gritted his teeth...

Dsr: just few more hours nd I'll free u both from this earth...

Tan:How can u do this wid us we helped u.. i send those pics wid me and vansh sitting at an angle of kissing.. to riddhima... but she didnt believe still i tried in that party to show that everything was true..

Ragh: we helped u in creating misunderstanding between vansh nd riddhima.. nd we r successful too...  leave us...

DSR: Yesss yes sooon u will leave this earth only till then... enjoy... i my comfortable basement...

He laughed like a devil.. nd went.. unknown.. of the fact that two eyes had witnessed all his black deeds.. nd that was none other than Vansh... He had doubt on DSR so he thought to spy on DSR nd became invisible... nd his doubt was right..

Vansh was errupting like a volcano.. he badly wanted to rip that DSR's Head from his body... but no.. he isnt going to give him this soon death he will give him a slow nd painfull death... he promised himself... he felt extremely guilty... when he get to know about those photos.. she believed him but he..  he trusted what he saw..  more than DSR he wanted to punish himself...


It was night DSR was in his flat in his bar section all alone... nd eas sipping his wine..  nd was enjoying his victory...

Nd suddenly he heard a weird sound.. from bathroom... like someone opened the shower...

Dsr gulped... bcoz he was all alone in his home... he collected lil confidence nd marched towards.. bathroom.. sweat beads were forming on his forehead..

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