chapter 43

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Next morning..

Riddhima nd vansh reached VR Mansion.. after spending a beautiful day wid eachother....

Riddhima was very happy... the person from whom she use to be afraid.. now he is the person wid whom she wants to spend her whole life nd want to shower her whole love on him...

Yesterday u took me for date.. nd today its my turn.. to tell my all feelings to u.. that how much I LoVe U vansh.   I want to make our todays evening.. beautiful.. thought riddhima.. she was too happy.. she thought to decorate their room.. 



Riddhima thought to tell him everything...

R: vansh...

V:hmmm...(checking his file)


Angre entered...

A: boss...

Vansh kept the file on table.. angre was looking very happy... before riddhima could say anything she got call from sejal... she excused herself... nd went to the balcony..

She picked the phone.. nd heard sejal crying bitterly..

R:sejalll!!! What happened.. ??

S: riddhima plzz come to my home.. plzzz..

R:yaa coming (panicked)

She hang the call nd rushed to sejals house..  hiding her emotions from vansh...





A: bosss... theres  a very good news..

V: nd whats that??

A: boss... U will be awarded today for Indias best bussiness man... award function will took place among many bussiness men but u are the one who will be awarded Indias best bussiness man... congratulations boss...

He hugged vansh excitedly.. forgetting that he is his boss.. but when he realized he was hugging his boss.. he broke the hugg bowed his head...

A: ab.. sorry boss.. vo.. i was...

Vansh hugged him...

V:thanks angre for this great news...

Angre smiled..

A: boss today is the party.. nd u r the most important person in that function...

Vansh nodded... vansh was very happy he wanted to share his happiness 1st wid his wife.. vansh tried finding riddhima.. but she was nowhere.. he sighed.. he shared his achievement to his father... Ajays chest broaded proudly...Adhiyunt too congratulated vansh... The person left who havent congratulated yet was riddhima.. the person whom he wanted to tell the news 1st.. he called riddhima.. but she use to decline the call.. Anger was rising in vansh in every passing minute..  the thing he hate most is to be ignored... nd the person from whom he want the attention most when she ignores it hurts him.. nd make him angry..

In anger he throwed his phone... which broked into 100 pieces..







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