chapter 20

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Sejal nd adhiyunt sat inside the car sejal beside driving seat nd adhiyunt on driving seat.. it was a silent drive.. adhiyunt thought to start talking.. nd break the silence coz it was getting awkward..

Adhi: hi!!! Miss sejal My self Adhiyunt shergill

Nd sejal was like ohho thank god he said his name nor i thought i would never get to know his name she thought sarcastically... she gave him a tight smile.. Adhiyunt was surprised y the hell he was trying to talk to her.. y the hell he asked vansh to drop her.. y still he is in relationship wid tanya..y?? He didnt have any answer..

Adhi: so whats your full name..??

Se: sejal sood...

Adhi: oh!! Nice to meet u miss sood..

Sejal felt weird why is he being so formal she thought then she thought rich high class ppl...

S: same here mr shergill..

They smiled.. nd suddenly. Phone rang it was adhiyunts phone.. which was kept on phone holder of car.. sejal saw the contact name.. It was tanya nd beside her name heart emoji was there through which she understand that tanya is adhiyunts girlfriend..

Sejal looked out not to disturb.. adhiyunt picked the phone.. nd as he picked the phone joined to his Bluetooth he could hear her shouting..

Tan: u r useless adhiyunt.. useless.. just look at my friends boyfriends.. they fulfill their all wishes.. nd what my boyfriend do?? He does nothing for me.. nd says love me.. huh..

Adhi:tanya i m trying u know vansh right!!

Tan:so whats the use of u being called his bestfriend if he couldnt fullfill his friends wish.. i doubt if u r really his best friend or just trying to impress girls wid your friends name attached to u..

She said heartbroking words to adhiyunt.. adhiyunt gritted his teeth he was feeling insulted he wanted to reply her back but then he realized sejal is wid her. Actually tanya is a model.. nd she was ex of vansh.. vansh always knew what type of girl tanya is nd when he get to know that she trapped his best friend when he broke up wid her.. vansh made sure that she didn't get work she was too cheap that she was ready to sleep wid famous magazine owners.. vansh tried that he will make adhiyunt understand but he wasnt.. but now somewhere adhiyunt is understanding.. now she is insulting him.. nd he cant take his insult..

Adhi:Just . Shut. Your. Mouth. Bit-(dangerous tone he stopped when he saw sejal was looking him wid fear nd to surprise he felt sad.. )

Adhiyunt took a long breath..

Adhi: its over...

Tanya was hell scared bcoz she only have adhiyunt as her credit card nd she dont have any job too.. she thought adhiyunt will never leave her nd come to her wagging his tail to her..

Tan: baby.. i m-

Call disconnected.. adhiyunt looked sejal.. sejal looked outside not meeting his eyes..

Adhi:miss sood..


Adhi: just do me a favour...

Sejal was shocked..

Adhi: just block the no. That recently called..

As i m driving i cant n i know she will call me continously...

Sejal was like r u serious.. adhiyunt was heart broken bcoz somewhere he thought tanya will change .. sejal could see his face that shows how hurt he is.. she felt bad for him..

Sejal picked his phone; mmm.. password..

Adhiyunt told his password nd she blocked tanya..

Adhi: thanks..

She smiled.. she saw adhiyunt who seems to be very sad nd heart broken.. she know tanya she had seen her in interviews nd she knew that tanya is adhiyunts girlfriend as whole world know this... nd she had seen how she behave wid ppl.. sejal nd adhiyunt reached..

S: thanks.. mr shergill..

Adhiyunt smiled.. but he could see she wants to say something..

Adhi: do u wanna say something??

S: mmm.. ab.. v.. i know i m no one to say this but.. mm.. Mr shergill its better to get rid of toxic relationship.. rather trying to settle it single handed.. hope u r fine....bye...

She went nd adhiyunt was staring her retreating figure she exactly said the same words which vansh use to say.. nd its true that he only use to put all efforts in their relationship.. he smiled unknowingly.. nd drive to his home..

Vr mansion...

Vansh was taking bath to cool him down he was really very angry.. he remembered her face bruises on her face.. swelled cheeks.. her tears which cracked his heart.. he gritted his teeth it was night now.. he remembered their kiss it was their 1st kiss.. nd a smile appeared on his face.. nd suddenly the smile vanished he kissed her in wrong moment widout asking her consent.. he had seen that she felt good nd calm when he kissed her but it wasnt in his character he never get intimate wid any girl widout their consent nd today he kissed his own wife widout her consent.. how could he this is not what his father had taught him.. suddenly he started feeling guilty he felt may be she didnt objected cause she was not in correct position of mind.. but he was in correct position of mind.. he thought how could he do this.. unknown to him that riddhima genuinly felt his care love concern nd affection.. he decided to say sorry.. widout knowing it would hurt riddhimas feeling.. he wore a tshirt.. nd trouser.. nd went to riddhimas room nd saw she was sleeping calmly.. he smiled.. he went to her.. he saw the bruise nd finger marks nd gritted he wanted to cut those hands who is behind this.. he caressed her cheeks... nd caressed her hairs nd kissed her forehead... he cant see her in this vulnerable condition he cant see her in tears.. he cant he just cant.. he was turning into a possesive guy..
V: mine... yes.. mine... now nothing will happen to u sweetheart nothing...

He said wid determination... he is ready to accept this relationship accept riddhima wid whole heart.. as his wife.. he want to shower his love on her.. he is ready to take steps ahead in their relationship he smiled caressing her cheeks.. but he will say sry to her at morning.. he went to his room.. whispering a good night near her ears..

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