chapter 51

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Adhi: speak sejal!!!

Se: Vo.. ab. Adhiyunt... I told u na Raghav was my ex..

Adhiyunt remembered.. he nodded..

Sejal took a long breath..

S: adhiyunt i wanted to tell u this.. but i couldnt..

V: sejalll stop beating out of the bush.. just come to the point..

Sejal gulped..

S: th..those reports.. w..were mine...

Adhiyunt nd vansh got the biggest shock of their life.. 

Sejal cried.. : yess those were My reports I. I aborted the baby.. I was so deeply in love wid that raghav that i couldnt realise what was wrong nd right... nd one day we too shared.  Physical relationship.. nd I got pregnant nd raghav he cheated me.. he left.. he recorded our intimate scenes nd black mailed if i wont give him money.. he will send those videos nd pictures to my father.. I didnt wanted to involve riddhima in this.. but she got to know. I was pregnant.  I told this to raghav but he neglected.. to accept riddhima was unaware that i was pregnant.i wasnt married too. if i would have registered my name so ppl would have started talking nd my father would have got to know nd that time what i felt correct i did.. but after aborting i told all this to riddhima.. she was angry too.. she wanted to tell all this to vansh.. but bcoz of me she didnt... i wasnt ready to face i took promise from her.  That untill i feel comfortable we wont disclose this topic to u both... its all bcoz of me.. nd that party night when i left for village.. I had asked her to give money to raghav.. nd those reports were mine.... its alll bcoz of me.... riddhima was nowhere at fault.. its all bcoz of me..

Ajay heard all this...

Aj: whatt!!!!

Ajay Angre Vansh Adhiyunt... four were in deep shock... it was like ground slipped from under their feets...

V: m..means.. ri..ri..riddhima.. n..never cheated.. me...

Se: Noooo vansh she loves u... how can she cheat u.. 

Guilt hovered vansh... everything how he behaved wid her flashed in front of his eyes... he behaved like jerk.. may be more than that...

Adhi: sejalll u r tellling this now... why the Hell u didnt reveal this all before..... do u have any idea what happened in these past days...

Sejal cried..

Vansh was standing like statue..  his heart said to stop her but his mind his anger his ego.. destroyed everything...

Ajay sat on sofa wid thud... he rubbed his face...

Aj: w..wh..what.. I'll sa..say to.. Rudra.. th..that.. it.. was a I'll face him nd we.. cant take care of his one nd only daughter....

Vansh remebered there last meet her tears.. how much helpless she was..  will she ever forgive u vansh?? Noo.. she wont.. she wont...his heart mocked..

Adhiyunt ruffled his hair..

Sej:where she must be now??? How she must be now??

V: riddhima..(whispered)

Vansh Raisinghania thak gya!!(is tired) he remembered his imagination.. in which riddhima pacified him..

V: no... no.. I'll find her... any how.. I'll ask for forgiveness nd punishment.  But i wont let her leave me.. no... I need her my heart needs her.. yess i m selfish nd i dont care..  i need her nd her forgiveness.. There is no place in this world from where i couldnt find her.. I'll find her... Angre!!!! In everycorner of India.. if possible everycorner of world send our mans to find riddhima.... I'll find her  if it means from under the ground or over the sky..  She is for me... nd will be always for me...

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