chapter 61

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Vansh came out of bathroom after taking a cold shower...

His phone started ringing.. Adhiyunts name was flashing vansh picked his call..

V: hello!!

Adhi; keep your hello aside nd tell me did u had your medicine???

Vansh remembered he didnt had medicine..

Adhi: Aaaah i knew it... u havent have your medicine...

V: Adhiyunt..when i had got my best medicine my riddhima.. now i dont need these medicines anymore.. my heart had got patience...

Adhi: I agree.. vansh.. but still u take a lil dose.  

V: yeah!! I have to... coz i have to sleep on couch.. for that i have to..

Adhi: couch??

Vansh hitted his palm on his head he said wid flow widout bothering

V: Aaah!! Nothing nothing....bye good night sweet dreams..

He hang the call..

Adhi: he is really crazy. 

Vansh took out his medicine box  from the drawer of dressing table nd took out small dose of sleeping pills...

He gulped the pills.. with water... his eyes felt on riddhima who was sleeping peacefully a smile slipped on his face he kept the glass on table.. nd went towards her 

He stroked her hairstrands... nd caressed her cheeks nd at last he kissed her forehead.. nd went to the couch..

Next morning...

Riddhima woke up she yawned nd stretched her arms... nd her eyes felt on him... she felt bad for him.. he was sleeping in very uncomfortable posture...

I think this was too much i shouldnt have said him to sleep on couch already he is too tall... riddhima thought... no no.  Its okay he should get some punishment.. 

Riddhima cameout of the duvet.  Nd went to bathroom.. she took bath nd came out..  she rubbed her wet hairs against towel..

Riddhima went near the dressing table.. she was rubbing her hairs against towel.. nd suddenly her eyes felt on medicince wrapper she made a confused face... se picked the pills wrapper...

R: sleeping pills???  Who is taking these pills... Vanshhh???

Vansh slowly opened his eyes.. Riddhimas back was facing him...

V: Good Morning Sweetheart...(sleepy voice)

Riddhima startled by his voice she turned nd looked him... nd for a second vanshs breath stopped..  he couldnt blink.. his eyes... her wet hairs...lil water droplets on her lips.. her fresh beautiful face.. this is the view he wished to see everyday.. he came out of his trances he could observe her confused face.. he got up from the couch nd marched towards riddhima he cupped her face with one hand nd kissed her forehead...

V: whats bothering u so much sweetheart ?

He caressed her cheeks..

R:vansh.. are u taking these sleeping pills??

She was some where worried nd scared for him..  vansh was standing silent he doesnt wants her to get worried..

V: Ab va riddhima leave it..

R: va..

Vanshs phone rang... vansh picked the phone..

V: riddhima urgent call u get ready we will go for breakfast...

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