chapter 16

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Next day..

Riddhima.. went college.. nd submitted.. her project.. nd day after tommorow.. results will be declared... she was excited she prayed.. she was feeling relaxed.. now..

S:hasshhhh thank god that project finished... o godd... .

R: yess seju.. thank god.. nd now i m excited for result...

S:yess.. riddhu.. now lets go to cafe.. nd have



They went to cafe.. nd were having their pizza nd some talks..

Ron: hi babes...!!!

Riddhima rolled her eyes...

Ronak pulled a chair nd sat beside her.. riddhima stood up..

R:ronakkkk... are u blindddd....???? Cant u see... cant u behave..?? I m married... nd u r behaving like this to a married women... ronak i m telling u.. u will regret...

Ron:r u done wid your lecture..?? Now say how much??

Riddhima.. scrunched her eyebrows..

R: what do u mean??

Ron: ohhh u r behaving like.. u donno anything...

R:just stop your non sense... nd come to the point...

Ron: ok.. as u wish.. how much.. how much for a nig--


Riddhima slapped him.. she stared him.. with anger hatred.. nd disgust..

R: keep your money wid u ronak..  i m warning u last time... just stay away.. nor my husband will talk to u..

Saying this she went from there.. sejal also went glaring ronak... ronak kept staring her retreating figure nd rubbing his cheek... he gritted his teeth..

Ron: u have to pay...

College finished riddhima came back home... then suddenly she saw a man.. in hall his back was facing him..

But she could recognise that it was not vansh... man turned to her..

Man:hey!!! Hi..

He extended his hand... she was looking him as he was an alien...  he took his hand back..

Man:ohh sorrry i forgot to introduce my self... my self Adhiyunt.. vanshs bussiness partner.. nd good friend...

Riddhima still wasnt believing.. she was still staring him as he was an alien...

Adhi: ok ok u dont believe wait lemme call your foolish husband..

Riddhimas eyes widened hearing foolish for vansh.. nd that tooo in his house.. adhiyunt called vansh.. nd put it on speaker..

V: hello!!!

Adhi: hello!! Mr arrogant raisinghania...

Riddhima was shocked... she was like oh my god.. her eyes were about to pop out..

V: just stop the.. sarcasm... adhiyunt nd tell for what reason u had called..

Adhi: cant i call my friend like that only..

V: shut up... i dont have time for your nonsense talks...

Adhi: but i love u my buddy...

Riddhima was about to faint... her mouth was opened..

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