chapter 64

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Days passed

Vansh was getting well.. riddhima had rejoined her college once again..

In college...

S: yrrrr riddhima... this time you nd aditya are paired.. for the project...

R: hmmm.. i got to know..

Aditya arrived..

A: Hiii.. Girls.. wassup.

S: fine..


Ad: riddhima... i was asking for project r u coming to my place or should I come to your place...

R: ummmm... aditya I'll tell u later if u dont mind...

Ad: ya ya its okay... no problem.. byeee..

R: byee..

Aditya went..


Vansh adhiyunt Angre were in VR Mansions office room...

Vansh stood up from his wheel chair...


Vansh showed his hand..

V: I m fine now.. Vansh Raisinghania has to come back now to his empire... We didnt have any profit these months..

Adhi: we didnt have any loss too

V: I dont care about loss... I want profit... I think employees had became lazy.. they need dose.. Angre Fix a meeting wid them all lemme also see.. how attentive they r..

Ang: yess boss...

Ang: Boss If u dont mind.. Can I ask what we have to do wid that DSR??

Vansh smirked.. he turned nd faced the wall nd took out his Immobilizer from his hand..

V:Angre.. I think we should make best out of waste...

Adhiyunt nd angre were confused..

V: DSR is complete waste but.... but his organs.. his organs.. r usefull... nd Many needy ppl need organs..

Adhiyunt nd angre smirked..

V: remember angre These organs should be supplied to needy ppls free... Nd yeah tell the doctors while removing his organs.. not to give him anaesthesia..

Yesss he is cruel.. he is ruthless.. he is a beast.. he is cold hearted... for world nd his enemies..

Adhi: Vese Vansh Your Physiotherapist is going to come in half an hour..

V: yeahh!! I remember...

Ang: boss what to do wid.. Shukla he is becoming a headache.. his case on us is creating difficulties in our work..

V: Kill Him... (straight face)

Nd suddenly they heard a gasp... vansh was facing wall hearing the gasp he turned.. angre nd adhiyunt too turned... nd saw riddhima..

Vanshs face turned into serious face he fisted his hand his eyes were on riddhima... riddhima bowed her head sensing his anger..

R: s..sorry.. I s..shouldnt have.. came.. here..

She turned to leave..

V: Wait...

Riddhima turned.. his face was still stern nd cold.. it will be a lie.. if she say she isnt afraid of vanshs cold face... it still send shivers..down her spines..

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