chapter 65

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Ahaana started doing her Therapies.. she was teaching vansh exercises Being very touchy.. which riddhima wasnt liking... 1% her face was getting red Vansh though wasnt liking Ahaanas therapies.. yess he thought of teasing Riddhima but.. he too wasnt liking Ahaana being too much touch..

Riddhima gritted her teeth.. she was glaring vansh tooo... Nd Vansh was Literally 1st time afraid of her glare... she too can give deathly glares.. vansh gulped..

Now it was getting uncontrollable for riddhima..

R: Abb... Ahana.. I think its Okay for today.. I mean we cant do all exercises today itself na... it can Lead to muscle pull... which mah hurt vansh..

Vansh smirked..

Ah: Its not too much..riddhima.. I am the physio so.....

Riddhimas eyes widened she indirectly neglected...

Vansh was liking nd enjoying riddhima Getting jealous.. nd being possesive for him...

V: yeah yeah riddhima I think i can do more exercises... (sarcastically)

Riddhima glared Vansh.. Her little nose flared in anger..


Before she could speak anything further.. dsouza entered

Ds: Sir Any Aditya.. name Boy had came.. saying he is here for any project wid riddhima...

R:Ohhh yes yes Mrs Dsouza.. let him in...

Dsouza nodded..

Vanshs smile flied in air.. hearing aditya.. riddhima glared vansh nd went..

V: Riddh...

Ah: Vansh where r u going your exercises r left... wait..

V: Ahaana i think riddhima was right.. I m exhaust i don't need any therapies.. u can leave..

Ah: but Vansh...

V: LEAVE..(cold tone)

Ahana gulped.. she knew what will be the consequences if she disagreed his orders so she she went vansh marched towards the place where riddhima nd aditya were doing the project...

Ang; Boss!!

Vansh stopped hearing Angre..

V: Whatt??

Ang: Boss!! I Think u forget that its time for meeting.. u said na u will have a meeting wid employees..

Vansh checked his watch..

V: Ohh yeahh.. shitt.. Lets go Angre ..

They went to the office room..

Aditya was shocked to see such huge mansiom wid extremely expensive nd best quality things yess after all its VR mansion.. their was a Huge VR portrait between the staircase... which sended shiver.. vansh was looking extremely dangerous in the portrait he too saw men outside wid guns.. he was hell nervous.. but riddhimas friendly nature vanished his all nervousness..

Meeting went till 4 hrs.. vansh Gave employess work like Do or Die.. situation... vansh checked his watch.. nd he remembered about riddhima nd aditya.. vansh directly stood up nd marched towards them...

And what he saw boiled his blood.. he gritted his teeth.. nd fisted his hand.. riddhima nd aditya were laughing..

Aditya touched riddhimas hand..

Adi:Riddhima its not like this... u have to do this like this... lemme tell you...

Vansh was staring his hands which he wanted to cut off... Vanshs Anger was rising... he went from there... riddhima was unknown..

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