chapter 22

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The man who was tied was none other than Ronak... vansh took his electric stick..

V: hello Mr aggarwal... hope u r enjoying.. hope my ppls r taking good care of u..

Ronak was panting..

V: no... they r not taking proper care of u.. lemme take care of u...

Vansh lifted ronaks head wid his electric stick.. nd pressed the stick button nd ronak jerked... vansh increased the voltage.. gritting his teeth nd pressing the stick more to his neck... ronak cried..

Ro: sorry sorry.!!! I wont do this... again.. i never thought that rid-( he got one more shock... when he was about to say riddhima)

Ron: sry.. mrs Raisinghania... i never thought that she is mrs Raisinghania... so..sorry...

Vansh started circling around ronaks chair...

Ron: plzz leave me plzz( he gulped nd cried)

V: my riddhima also said this but what did u do???

Vansh signs something to his man nd the man blink nd gave a remote...

V: y should i leave u haaa???

Gritting his teeth he presses a button on remote..  nd ronak started crying in pain.. the tubes nd wires were attached increased the temprature in his body that he could feel that some one was burning him alive 

Ron: sr...sorry.. sir..  sorry.. i ...i beg.. u.. pl.please.. s..sry.. sir.. pl..plzz. le..leave.. me.. i..i wont.. r..rep..repeat... sr..sry...

Vansh increased more temprature ronak cried horribly...

V: i said..u i will ruin u... destroy u... nd here i m....

Ronak cried... horribly.. adhiyunt angre nd men were smirking..

V: naaaaa.. adhiyunt r u enjoying ,angre??

Adhi: naaaa... its boring.. show something interesting bro...

Ang: yess boss..

Vansh smirked..: mee too..

Vansh wore a glove nd took a can.. which was containing hydrochloric acid..

Vansh started putting acid on ronak from head.. nd the moment acid touched ronaks hair nd head it started melting.. ronak cried.. acid travelled down his face hand.. vansh gritted his teeth... nd putted more acid.. ronaks skin started melting like it was a wax.. it was indeed a horrible seen he was crying horribly.. nd begging...vansh stopped

V: for now its enough!!

V: u know what ronak now... now molesters rapists.. like u will know that how it feels.. when a girl is attacked wid acid.. from what situations she had to go through.. u bastards dont deserve to be alive... just wait nd watch what more things r going to happen..

Ronak was not in a state to say something his body was burning.. his skin was melting.. nd falling on ground he fainted..

Ang: boss now what to do.. i think we should put this bastard in incinerator...

V: naaa.. angre.. still he hadnt feel the pain.. how much i wanted him to feel i will give him the most painfull death... that when he will go to hell he will still remember that what will happen if somebody try to touch my women... 

One can feel the possesive nd obssesion in his words.. it was enough to send shiver down spines.. vansh went throwing the stick.. adhiyunt was standing nd observing vansh he was lil tensed.. angre saw adhiyunt stressed..

Ang:what happened adhiyunt sir??

Adhi: could u hear the possesiveness nd obsession that vansh said in that sentence??

Angre made a confused face..

Adhi: u know angre how much vansh is possesive about his things..

Ang: yess sir..

Adhi: nd now i can clearly see his possesiveness nd obsession for riddhima..

Angre made a confused face..

Ang: so sir whats the problem in that its good that boss is taking steps in their relationship..

Adhi: angre even i m happy that my friend is taking steps.. but..

Ang: but??

Adhi: angre riddhima is simple innocent sensitive girl can she endure vanshs possesiveness nd obsession for her?? U know vansh very well!!

Angre also became tensed..

Ang: so sir. What u r thinking whats the solution??

Adhiyunt sighed..he chuckled

Adhi: now there is no solution angre.. once vansh is possessed its next to impossible to divert his mind.. nd i could see he is falling for riddhima... i trust ajay uncle for sure he would have thought something.. thats y i m silent nor i would have kept vansh away from a girl like riddhima.. coz riddhima is too innocent to endure a person like vansh..

Angre nd adhiyunt were tensed..

Scene changes.. riddhima was in her room.. she was in duvet..on bed thinking what vansh was saying did he will really kill someone .. she knew that vanshs bussiness contain some risky deals.. ajay had told them.. but to hear nd see had difference of land nd sky.. she  was  thinking all this nd the she saw her doors nobe moved round which meant someone is going to open the door.. riddhima immediately closed her eyes and pretend to sleep.. it was vansh.. he tip toed towards her.. nd caressed her cheeks... nd kissed her forehead... he placed his forehead on her forehead nd closed his eyes nd his hands kept caressing riddhimas cheeks.. he whispered..
V:good night sweetheart....

riddhimas breath stopped for a while... she gulped.. she was confused what excatly vansh want sometime be behave like he also want this relationship but sometimes as he dont care.. nd suddenly vansh kissed her earlobes which send shiver down spines.. she controlled herself.. nd pretend to sleep..

Vansh stood up.. nd went out of the room.. riddhima woke up nd breathing heavily nd shocked she blushed a little..

Nd vansh smirked coming out of her room..

V: what do u think sweetheart u can fool me.. your husband...( he chuckled nd smirked)

V: cute... ( chuckled)

He got to know there itself when he caressed her cheeks that she is pretending to sleep..

Vansh went to his study.. nd took out a cigarette nd lit the cigarette.. adhiyunt came.. to his study..

V : adhi?? U here i thought u had gone....

Adhi: i want to tell u something!!

V: i m hearing u go ahead!!( while smoking)

Adhi: i.. i..

Vansh saw him lil tensed he dispersed his cigarette in ash tray and went to him..

V: what happen??
Adhi: i broke up wid Tanya...

V: u r not joking right??

Adhiyunt gave him a small smile.. vansh hugged adhiyunt.. Adhiyunt also hugged him..

V: thank god u got brain nor i thought u dont have..

Adhiyunt hitted vanshs shoulder..

V: how did u get your brain ??

Adhi: vo.. ab.. i realised that love is what gave u peace.. i realised that the person u love nd when he is near u gave u peace.. as same the way u get peace when riddhima is near u.. 

Vansh didnt object he liked it he actually get peace when riddhima is near him.. he smiled..

Adhi: nd i never got that from tanya...

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