chapter 76

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Vansh was kissing her passionately... after few seconds he kissed her softly.. sucking her lower lips.. and after some minutes he left her lips they were breathing heavily.. he placed his forehead on her forehead.. they both closed their eyes..

V:Yess.. Riddhima I m The Invisible Man...

Riddimas eyes opened wid the jerk... her eyes widen... what she wanted to be false it became true...

Vansh moved lil away from him.. riddhima was shocked.. by his confession... he moved away and closed his eyes... and spread his hand and slowly his legs vanished... his hands... and then completely vansh vanished...

Riddhima gasped witnessing the scene... her eyes widen in shock.. Invisible man from whom she use to afraid is none other than her love... tears made their ways...

Vansh became visible... riddhima was sobbing... she saw vansh was visible. She ran towards him and hugged him tightly.. crying in his embrace.... he hugged her back and kissed her hairs...

R:Vansh I love u...

V:I love u tooo riddhima...( cupping her face with one hand nd kissing her forehead)

Vansh looked into her eyes..

V: Riddhima its true.. i m the invisible man.. and this is also true that i killed those ppls... and this is also true that I love u so much riddhima....

He said posseively bringing her face more closer...

V:and this is also true your uncle is my next target... and my last target...

Riddhimas eyes widened she nodded in no..and whispered a "no"

R:No.. vansh.. plzz... no..

Riddhima cupped his face wid one hand..

R:Vansh plzz no.. Vansh I love u.. more than anything but if u killed uncle... I dont know.. My heart will ever accept u or not... I dont want to loose u... I donno whats the reason behind this but plz dont kill him.. plzz noo vansh...

Vansh encircled his one hand around her waist...

She was insisting him.. it was like riddhimas words were not affecting vansh... vanshs heart was paining... seeing her condition... his anger rised on saksham... bcoz of him.. riddhimas condition is this... vansh pulled her more closer..

V: I m sorry sweetheart...

Riddhima was confused Why he was saying sorry.. and suddenly she felt a sting of pain on her left arm... she looked at her arm and saw vansh was injecting something.. he injected a pin.. her eyes widen she looked at vansh who was having extreme guilt in his eyes....

R: No..(whispered)

Suddenly riddhima was loosing her conciousness slowly...

V:I m sorry riddhima.... I dont want u and our child to involve in all this...

And finally riddhima loosed her conciousness and felt on his embrace... he lifted her in bridal style.. and carefully placed her on bed.. he caressed her cheeks and kissed her forehead...

V:I m sorry... Riddhima.. I dont know what is going to happen when u will get your conciousness... (sighed) I love U....

Saying this vansh went from there closing the door..






Saksham was in his room...

Till when riddhima is there vansh cant do anything to me... but what if he.. no no.. he can't... he can't loose riddhima... if he kills me.. he knows riddhima will never forgive him...

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