chapter 68

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Riddhima went into deep slumber.  She was sleeping peacefully on his chest.. Vansh opened his eyes.. nd looked at riddhima.. then clock.. It was 2 am.. he carefully made her sleep on bed.. nd slid out of duvet.. he took a last glance of riddhima.. nd went out of the room closing the door widout making any noise...

He Marched towards his dads room... Door was opened he pushed the door and went inside the room.. He saw his Dad was sitting on chair upset.. 

V: Happy Anniversary Dad!!(broken smile)

Ajay looked at vansh..

And smiled

Aj: You remembered?

Vansh chuckled.. and went near ajay and bent on his knee

V: How can I forget... Dad..

Aj: But there's nothing Happy in this Anniversary... Leave it.. What are u doing here.. ?? U left riddhima alone.. ?? No vansh.. u should be wid her.. already u were not here from 12 hrs.. Do u have any idea how much she was worried.  Vansh she is pregnant... and getting worried is not good for her and childs health...

V: Dad I had Made her sleep.. She is sleeping..

Ajay ruffled vanshs hairs..

Aj: Vansh... U r going to be a father now... (ajay smiled)  How soon these 30yrs passed... 

And now u have to become more responsible..

Vansh smiled and held ajays hand..

V: U r there na to guide me.. U r there na to guide my children's.. I want to become a father like u... I want to become Ajay Raisinghania for My Vansh..

Ajay had a broken smile...

Aj; Never say u want to become.. Ajay Raisinghania... never ever..

V: U r the best father ever Dad!! No.. not only my father.. U r also my mother to me... Dad!!(he said in broken voice wid teary eyes)

Aj: I am not  best Father vansh.. Which Father ruins his Son's life.. I had ruined your life in this revenge game...

V: No u haven't.. Dad! Its what they deserve...

A tear drop fell from ajays eyes..

Aj: Vanshh.. stop this.. 

Vanshs eyes widened he left his father's hand..

V: Whattt!!

Aj: Vansh.. Our next target.. is very sharp nd manipulative.. and u know who he is.. he is very close to riddhima... if... if riddhima got to know u'll kill him... no no no.. Vansh my life is ruined.. My Uma Is gone... she wont come..  But i cant see my sons life ruining.. I was too selfish to ruin your life.. stop this..vansh.. concentrate on your upcoming family.. riddhima and your child.. vanshhh..

Vansh stood up.. and fisted his hand..

V: Never... i wont backoff..  The Fire inside me which is burning inside me will get cool when I'll see his corpse... u can backoff but i wont... bcoz What they have snatched from me.. I wont forgive them... And Riddhima... She is mine... She is mine forever... If she will try to leave me also.. I wont let her... Whether she wants it or not, she has to be mine...

Vansh gritted and left the room.. banging the door.. ajay stood up..

Aj: Almighty if u r truly there plzz keep my children's realtionship safe... and happy..

He sighed..

Vansh entered his  room and saw her sleeping.. like a cute child.. Rage turned into softness.. just by her one glimpse.. his fire inside him cooled just by her one glimpse.. this much power she holds over him..  no matter how much stressed he is his all stress and anger vanish by her one glimpse.. she is his peace in his life...

A smile slipped on his face he slid himself under duvet and pulled her towards him... and cuddled her... he placed a kiss on her forehead... and drifted to sleep..

Next morning...

Vansh was tieing his tie... Infront of mirror..

Riddhima entered the room wid coffee cup...

R: Good Morning vanshh..

Vansh looked at her nd went towards her.. and took the coffee mug from her hand.. and kept it on table..

V: Tch.. riddhima.. Y r u exhausting yourself... 

R: achha... (encircled her hands around his neck) So Can u spend your day widout my coffee?? Hmmm??

Vansh chuckled and pulled her towards him by her waist..

V: I'll manage.. till more.. 5 months u dont worry..

R: Vanshhhh.. coffeee making is not sooooo exhausting work.. u dont need to manage.. okayy!! Stop being over possesive..

V: Woh!! U have mastery in scolding for no reason.. I feel sad for our child.. tchh..

Riddhima hitted his shoulder palyfully he chuckled .

Riddhima setted his tie.. and started tieing his tie.. Vansh was doing his work.. offcourse staring her.. and smiling like an idiot. 

Riddhimas smile felt when she remembered about yesterday night Ajay sobbing.. wid his wifes things.   Vansh noticed her expression...
V: What happened sweetheart??

Riddhima looked him..

R: Vansh.. vo..

V: Go ahead i m hearing..

R:vansh vo dad... ( she narrated everything)

Vanshs face turned into serious face..

R: Vansh he was very sad and broken yesterday.. and i think things which he was holding was of your mo...

V: Stopp!!

Riddhima was confused.. vansh left her..

V: Riddhima stop thinking about all these.. and stop giving yourself stress...

R: But vansh..

V: Riddhima I m getting late.. will have breakfast in office... and I'll come in noon for lunch...

Riddhima was confused.. vansh pulled her towards him by her waist..

V: Till then.. No stunts.. do u understand..

He placed a kiss on her forehead..

She nodded.. He went widout drinking his coffee..

R: why vansh get triggered whenever a topic of his mother is stretched.. nor he ever talked about his mother..

Riddhima caressed her belly..

R: baby dont worry your father is like this only he have moodswings more than me.. (she chuckled) some times he will behave wid you like a bitterguard.. and in next second he will behave like..  a rasgulla... (chuckled)
R: now  I want to eat Rasgulla.. Mrs Dsouza.......

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