chapter 52

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Hearing the voice Man Gulped he turned.. he started sweating.. he saw vansh.. giving him a devilish smirk.. nd soon vanshs smirk turn into dangerous cold ruthless look..

Man: Si...

Before he could complete Vansh took out cutter from his coat nd cutted his tongue in blink of an eye... man cried in pain... everyone were hell scared they bowed their heads... vanshs hands were red in blood..

V: Just throw this bastard out....(shouted)

Guards threw the man outside the office.. man cried in pain..

Servents cleaned the floor.. nd gave tissues to vansh.. to clean his hand.. nd well perfumed sanitizer.. after he was done cleaning his hand.. he glared each nd every person.. none of them dared to look up nd meet his eyes....

V: Anyone Else have any problem??

All nodded in noo...

Vansh smirked : Good... !!

V: what u all r doing??? Its been 6 months.. nd u all even cant find her single information...

One of them: Sir we r trying..

V: I dont want your try I want results... results dammit...

All bowed their head..

V: Find her from under the ground or over the sky.... But Find her do u all get that??

Everyone nodded in yess..

V: Now Go nd start your works..

They all left..

Vansh Went To VR mansion nd directly went to his room... he went to bathroom nd freshen up himself...

His eyes felt on a frame which held their Picture... a smile slipped on his face... he went towards cupboard nd opened the cupboard nd took out her Dupatta.. nd burried his head in dupatta nd sniffed her scent.....

He closed his eyes...

V: Where R u sweetheart....(whispered)

⚘Come close to me so that I can breath.. I've even tested dying being away from you..⚘



In Malana....

(P.s ' i tooo want too visit these places🙂😭😭😭😭corona🔪🔪pics successfuly stolen from google🙂✌ Cool Ain't it?)

Maria:Badri be carefull while locking the shop....

The time she said careful..badri dropped his bag from his hand..

Mar: Uhho this man..

Riddhima slapped marias shoulder lightly..

Rid: U know na when ever U say him to be careful he do some mistakes...

Maria started laughing... Badri made a frustrated face.. riddhima pressed her lips not to laugh..

Their homes were behind the shop.. riddhima maria nd sakshi use to live in one house... riddhima went to her room removed her jacket nd muffler... nd went to bathroom.. to freshen up herself..

She came out of bathroom nd weard a simple top nd trouser.. nd went near her rooms window.. nd opened the window... cold breeze hitted her face.. she closed her face to nd sighed.. she folded her arms.. nd rested her head on near the wall... nd looked outside the window the view of city..

A lone tear drop fell from her eyes...

"In my tears there are your memories,

my nights are with tears

my paths are lost somewhere..."🥀




Vansh cuddled that stole close to his heart... he was lost in their moments nd memories...

His rooms door knocked... he came out of his trances... he kept her stole back in his cupboard..

V:Come in..

Angre nd adhiyunt entered..

An: Boss!! We found him...

Vansh smirked : Great.. let him live free more days..

Adhi:Vansh I want to discuss about some bussiness related talks..

V: Go Ahead Adhiyunt..

Adhi:1st u have your medicines.. then I'll tell u..

Vansh rolled his eyes: Adhiyunt i dont want to sleep.. today.. leave it...

Adhi: Shut up no one is asking u.. idiot...

Adhiyunt took out medicine box from drawer.. nd took out pills nd handed it to vansh.. vansh gulped the pills wid water..

Adhi: Its not a big deal vansh I would have neglected it but thought i should ask u once I know u too will decline..

V: Ok... tell whats the deal..

Adhi: Vansh not a big deal.. there is a small city whats it name yessss MALANA... in Uttarakhand..
Vansh was hearing it carefully like he was listening any calm music...


Adhi: Sherawat company wants our company to invest on their company in forming infrastructure... I heard that infrastructure there r very poor.. its very hard to construct infrastructures there.. even on that area there is too much network issue.. i think we will only get loss in this investment... so I think we should decline it...

Yess there were many loss factors in this investment but vanshs heart was beating faster.. his heart was saying to invest on this project.. nd accept this deal..

Adhi: U dont worry I'll deny...

V:Noo... we will have deal wid sherawats!!

Adhiyunts Eyes widened: whatttttttt!!!

V: yess.. why r u so shocked.. I think we should help them increasing infrastructures.. area like Malana..

Adhi: But vansh...

V: Adhiyunt i m feeling sleepy.. plzz turnoff the lights nd get out of my room..

Adhi: Fine.. u have to leave tommorow morning 8am..

V: Haaaa... now plzz get out..

Adhiyunt rolled his.. eyes nd went out of the room switching off the lights Vansh too drifted to sleep due to sleeping pills..




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