chapter 75

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Realisation hitted riddhima hard..

R: Invisible man.. is connected to this group ppls..... he almost killed everyone.. now the remainings are.....

She gasped

R: Dad and uncle... me.. means his next target would be Dad or uncle... no no i had to tell this to vansh...

Wait..!! These photos were kept here.. means vansh must be knowing all this... why uncle and dad were fighting... if they know eachother from many years then y they didnt told me.. and these scientist costumes.. means they were scientist.. but y i was unaware of all these nor ever baba told me dad was scientist.. nor maa that uncle was scientist... did vansh know all this?? Offcourse yes.. something had happened thats y they all have bitterness for eachother arghhhhhhhh..!!!! Riddhima thought...

R: There are 1000 questions but no answer who can answer all this?? Should i ask vansh? No no.. if he will get to know i came here... he will get angry.. but..  y vansh had resricted this area.. is there something that vansh dont want me to know...

She was confused and was thinking too much... and while this her leg slipped and cartons which were kept in store room felt and she hitted her head wid some metallic object.. she whinced in pain... she some how

Made balance.. and didnt touch the ground... her head was bleeding a lil

She caressed her belly she was breathing heavily... she took a long breath

R: sry baby.. Mumma.. is lil careless.. but I promise I'll be carefull now onwards sorry!!

She took a relief breath after assuring she and her baby is fine.. her head was bleeding a lil She looked at the mettalic object through which she got hit.. her eyes widen.. it was metallic door... wid eye retina scanner and password.. she gasped looking at the huge door.. which was behind the cartons...

She was shocked... many things were unravelling slowly slowly... se gulped... sweat beads slipped from her forehead to chin...

She saw the password pad.. she went towards the password pad...

R: What must be there behind this huge door...

Riddhima try the password...her inner soul spoke.. riddhima gulped and typed...

She remembered once vansh had told her his laptops password may be he would have kept the same password...

She typed AjAdhiAng...

And crossed her fingers... but to her badluck it was wrong... now she have only 2 chances.. she prayed.. and thought what could be the password... and typed..

Vanshs birth date..  but it was too wrong password...

Riddhima hissed in frustration..

R: Its last chance what could be the password...

She was thinking and her eyes felt on the group photo.. of ajay and saksham.. she saw a date written on that picture..  she prayed and crosed her fingers..  she was sweating.. she closed her eyes..

If this door doesnt open I donno what more things will happen.. next! She thought..   and took long breath...

And the door.. opened... riddhimas eyes sparkled... and she had an ear to ear smile on her face...

R: Yessss!!!

Before entering she settled the cartons..

She stepped in.. and gasped.. it was a huge laboratory wid many equipments chemicals... she wasnt getting good vibes she gulped.. in fear.. she saw a huge incinerator... Huge Acid Cans... she was observing the place.. and her eyes felt on particular place which made her eyes widened...

INVISIBLE LOVE (RIANSH) Where stories live. Discover now