chapter 36

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Ajay: heyy!! Idiot earth is calling u.. come back..

Vansh jerked from his thoughts.. nd saw his father smirking.. he looked away..

Aj: now stop behaving like dumb.. go nd meet her...

V:yes.. going(arrogant tone to cover his feelings)

He bid byee to his father nd went upstairs like a excited butterfly.. he almost reached to his room he found peter standing wid his dry cleaned cloths.. at the door then he heard..

P: riddhima ma'am.. these r vansh sirs cloths where should I keep these(peter knows where to keep but as formality coz riddhima is vanshs wife so he asked)

R: just keep it here....( she almost shouted in frustration nd pointed towards bed)

Vanshs eyes widened why she is shouting unaware because he had made her frustrated.. he is seeing this shouting side of riddhima 1st side..

R:ab.. i m sorry i shouldnt shout at u..(regretting)

P:its ok ma'am

Peter kept nd the clothes on bed nd went out of the room vansh was hearing all this outside the room.. peter saw vansh he was about to wish vansh.. but vansh signed him to stay silent peter nodded nd went..

Vansh looked here nd there nd then he closed his eyes..nd he became invisible.. nd he entered the room..

He was seeing her after only 4 days but it felt like 4 yrs.. his heart was dancing.. he smiled but then he noticed her grumpy face..

R:What r u doing riddhima u r shouting.. arghhh..

Then she looked at the clothes kept on bed it was his.. she picked his coat..

R: its becoz of u... living wid u had made me like u.. shouting..

Vanshs eyes widened.   He pressed his lips not to laugh.  

She made a pout..

R; arrogant rude cold ruthless The Vansh Raisinghania..(she mimicked)

U r arrogant vansh u r rude... not even a single call.. u didnt call back also..  u r very bad Vansh.. u r very bad... (pouted)

Only vansh know how he was controling himself... not to peck those lips.. he chuckled seeing her childness...

R:I wont talk to u... once u will come na i wont.. I wont.. you r very bad vansh.. very bad..

Vansh was like aww.. he chuckled..

She hugged his coat.. she could still smell his cologne..

R: I miss u Vansh....Atleast call me once (she said closing her eyes.. nd hugging the coat tightly)

Vansh smiled.. not only he she was missing him too.. nd now he cant see him more frustrated nd irritated nd desperate..

He became visible..

V: Your husband is just a call away sweetheart.. look u missed me nd i m here right in front of u( wid his baritone )

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