chapter 15

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2 weeks were about to pass..

Riddhima as usual went to college... her day went as usual she was just pissed off by that ronak.. now he was getting on her nerves..

She came home.. nd again engrossed in her project work...

It was night.. vansh knocked.. nd then he took her for dinner.. it was sweet simple gesture.. she smiled..

V: so.. how is your project going??


V: riddhima.. i m again saying u its good u r concentrating on your project.. but concentrate on your health too... sweetheart...

Riddhima blushed hearing sweetheart.. they had their food.. they both smiled looking eachother..

V: Good night!!

R: good night...

Riddima was about go.. vansh held her hand.. she turned.. she could see unknown emotions in his eyes.. he cupped her face with one hand.. nd caressed her cheeks..

V: take care of yourself riddhima... just go nd sleep..

Riddhima holded his hand.. which was on her cheeks..

R:vansh.. just lil more.. nd then i promise I'll sleep.. nd tommorow i have to submit my project..

V: finee... u r promising me ok...I'll check nd if i find u wake up..

He pulled her close to him.. she gasped.. he leaned towards her ears..

V: u will be punished mrs Vansh Raisinghania... ( said in husky tone)

Riddhima bend her head her cheeks were turning red.. his hot breath was falling on her face...


He left her she almost ran to her room..

V:y she just always keeps running away from me.. !!!

Just remember your deeds vansh!!!! Vanshs innervoice mocked him.. he went to his room.. nd changed in night clothes.. nd his night clothes only contain his pyjama.. he have matching shirts.. but he likes to sleep bare chest.. he was surprised when he slept wid riddhima that day wearing shirt.. he was checking some files.. he was looking freaking hot.. then he just lit a cigarette nd started smoking... there was knock on door vansh was engrossed in his file.. nd smoking..

V:come in!!!

Door opened it was riddhima.. her eyes widened seeing vansh like that.. she remembered last time when she was bandaging.. his injury.. he was sitting bare chest.. nd how much shy she feeled..

She saw him smoking which she somewhere didnt liked.. it vansh smoked nd lifted his head.. nd saw riddhima staring him.. she looked away... he smirked..

V: what happened sweetheart??( husky voice)

He stepped forward.. riddhima was breathing uneven..

V:is everything ok?

R:vo.. va...vansh..

V:hmm..( wid his deep baritone)

Which made riddhima shivered.. she gulped ... he went to her.. nd tucked her hair behind her ears...

V: tell me riddhima.. ( he said intensly gazing her lips nd eyes... nd holding cigarette in his left hand nd he was bare chest tooo )

he was looking freaking hot.. that anyother girl would drool on him.. nd that too was happening wid riddhima.. she was drooling over him but she was expert like vansh in hiding emotions.. she hitted her head in her mind.. she bowed her head nd bit her lips..

R:.. i.. i.. vo.. i need your.. laptop.. vansh.. i.. i.. just have to prepare the presentation nd download in this pendrive.. i have to submit it tommorow.. nd i forget ---

V:sshhh... ( he kept finger on her lips)

She looked him wid her wide eyes..

V: did i ask explanation?? Its kept there take it.. ( said pointing towards the laptop kept on his bench)

Riddhima was shocked how he easily accepted to give his things.. she remember how possesive he is towards his things..

Suddenly she started coughing..

V: r u ok??

She nodded.. she picked the laptop..

V: do it here riddhima..

She sat on his couch nd turned the laptop on.. she was feeling so shy.. he was just standing bare chest smoking nd staring her intensly.. she felt like.. burrieng her head.. somewhere.. he was standing nd just smirking nd staring.. nd enjoying how her cheeks were turning red.. she saw the laptop was password protected.. she gathered courage nd lifted her head..

R: i. Its password protected?? ( she coughed again)

Vansh was disturbed in his staring session...

V: AjAdhiAng...

R: huhhh???? ( she made a confused face)

V: AjAdhiAng is the password..

She nodded while typing.. she was shocked.. password something personal.. nd he told her.. nd what type of password is this AjAdhiAng?? She shrugged off.. nd started doing her work.. he sat on other couch.. nd kept staring her.. nd then he took out other cigarette nd lit the cigarette.. riddhima saw from corner of her eyes.. she felt.. bad he is smoking second cigarette which wasnt good at all.. she was doing her work.. nd in btw she was coughing..
V: riddhima drink some water..

R:no need vansh..( engrossed in work)

Vansh clenched his jaw.. 1st he was saying something nd she was ignoring.. 2nd she isnt looking him..

She again coughed...

V:riddhima...( strict voice)

She lifted her head nd again coughed vansh came to her...

V :u r tooo stubborn... (pouring water in glass)

R: vansh it wont work....




R: i m allergic to cigarettes smell...

Vanshs face immediately turned into a stern face.. riddhima licked her lips.. she coughed again... vansh.. immediately destroyed the cigarette crushing.. it from his hand.. nd gritting his teeth.. he can't see her uncomfortable.. around her nd bcoz of him.. she was feeling uncomfortable nd she didnt said bcoz she doesnt want to make him uncomfortable.. he was angry on himself..

Riddhima looked he crushed the burning cigarette.. which might have burnt his palmm.. she ran towards him nd holded his hand... nd turned his palm.. it was burnt a little..

R:vanshhh... what is this.... ?? ( she whined )
U would have thrown.. that cigarette or.. crushed it on ash tray.. u crushed it in your hand..u...( she said scolding him)

Vansh smiled.. looking her care towards him..

R:tch...wait.. lemme bring ice.. nd ointment..

V: its a small burn riddhima..

R: did i ask your suggestion??( she said in angry tone she glared)

Woh !! Vansh was seeing this side of riddhima 1st time.. he was impressed.. he smiled.. she bought ice nd ointment.. she was putting ointment in his.. palms.. nd he was busy staring her.. nd then riddhima realized what she just blabbered.. she lifted her head nd saw him smiling..

R: i..i..m sorry...

Vansh cupped her face with one hand:its your right riddhima...

They both had a eyelock...

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