chapter 35

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Vansh broke the kiss.... riddhima opened her eyes slowly... Vanshs one hand has cupped her face.... they both were lost in eachothers eyes... they had an eyelock.. two hearts were cracking.. by the think that they r going to stay away from eachother...

Vansh would have took her wid him... but the reason for which he is going...

its not safe for riddhima... nor he want any risk on her life...

Both were silent for 10 minutes... looking into eachothers eyes like reading eachothers  soul..they stay like that... nor she spoke something.. nor he spoke... their silence spoke every thing...

In the road of love, there are so many river of pain and hurdles...

Even in the midst of millions of storms heart finds something to get hold and find peace...

There are so much strength in the will power of heart (love)...

It can swim through the waves (of hardship) and reach the shore (destiny)


Nd then vansh went widout speaking.. anything coz he know if he will talk to her he wont be able to go... may be its the 1st time he had fallen badly for any women in his life...

Riddhima had tears of happiness in her eyes... she chuckled at her fate... she never thought she will fall for Aarrogant ruthless cold natured Vansh RaiSinghania.. noo.. actually she didnt fell for vansh raisinghania whoms the world knows she had fell for Vansh... from whom world is unaware...

Time passed~~~~~~~~~

Its been 2 days vansh have went not a single call.. no conversation its like Vansh has vanished somewhere.. 

Riddhima was now back to VR mansion.. as ajay had came back to India... nd his health condition is also not that much good.. Ajay insisted her if she wants to spend more time wid her parents then its ok.. but she was stubborn to hear him...

Obviously, In presence of Ajay she was living in vanshs room... she took good care of Ajay

Adhiyunt also use to come nd check ajay nd talk wid him.. riddhima could see nowdays adhiyunt is very very much happy.   Nd her bestfriend sejal also.. its good they r happy.. but she could feel something fishy... After giving proper food medicines to Ajay she went to her room... her colleges r going to open after 2 days...

She enter her room... dark classy room.. wid huge portrait of vansh raisinghania... wid arrogant nd dominating aura...

She sat on couch nd picked a magazine.. nd the front page was itself having vanshs photo... she could find vansh everywhere... she rolled her eyes... actually she was missing him badly.. his care.. his hugs... his kisses... she was missing everything about him..  how she is going to stay away from him for 1 month... she looked at her phone nd thought she should call him or not.. she had a war btw her mind nd heart..

And after a long war she decided to call him... she dialed his number.. it was ringing but no one was picking the phone... nd suddenly a msg pinged.. on her phone..

Call u later, busy right now...

She pouted.. her nose turned red

R: Busy!! Huh! Busy bee..  from past 2 days Busy not a single call.. Arrogant...huh!!

She threw her phone on bed.. her mood was spoiled.. now she didnt have any work to do.. so she thought she should go to sejals house... she picked her phone nd informed ajay nd marched to sejals house in car..

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