chapter 50

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"It's all a game of Fate..Till Fate doesn't want it..Till then two souls will never meet..It's All Fate... nd U r just a pawn of Fate.. Nothing is in your hand..."

4 days later....

Vansh hadnt slept from 4 days.. its like riddhima had took his sleep.. peace wid her too.. he was lying on bed.. nd staring the ceiling like a lifeless body..

Hahaha... Vansh Rai Singhania Thak gya!!(is tired)

Vansh heard a voice.. nd looked beside.. his eyes widen he saw Riddhima smiling standing infront of mirror nd drying her hair.. she looked towards him nd smiled..

Good morning Vansh...

Vansh was mesmerized by her look by her smile her eyes having shine.. a smile slipped on his face..

V: riddhima... (mesmerized)

For a minute he forget everything..

She came towards him.. nd ruffled her hairs..  due to which some waterdroplets felt on his face.. Vansh holded her handed nd pulled her.. she felt upon him.. nd gasped.. he smirked..

He cupped her face wid one hand nd caressed her cheeks softly wid his thumb.. he looked into her eyes which were shining.. like stars..

"When I see u, It feels like my eyes start beating... "

V: My riddhima...

Vansh said smiling.. nd caressing her cheeks.. she smiled.. he lifted his head a lil to kiss her... he was about to kiss her.. nd suddenly she vanished.. 

Vansh got up wid jerk.. he looked here nd then he removed duvet upon him.  Nd checked bathroom..

V: riddhima....

He was getting impatient to see her.. nd suddenly..

Voice: whom u r finding Vansh??

He looked towards the source of voice..he saw his reflection on mirror..

U were the one na.. who didnt stopped her nd let her go.. ? Accept the truth Vansh it was u who needed her.. u were needy.. not she.. u required her.. just look at yourself from past 4 nights u havent sleep.. nd now u r imagining her.. ppl will say vansh raisinghania got mad in his wife's love.... Hahahha...

His reflection laughed.  Vansh  gritted his teeth nd fisted his hand.. he took the vase near him nd throwed towards mirror.. nd mirror broke into pieces...

He closed his ears in frustration

V: stopppppppp!!!!!!!

Adhiyunt was living in VR mansion as he know the situation from which might be his friend going..  he heard something breaking sound.. nowdays its normal to hear these sound.. nowdays his anger was at peak.. Ajay adhiyunt nd angre were worried... for vanshs health.. they all rushed towards vanshs room.. 

Nd saw vansh fainted.. They called Doctor..

Doctor checked Vansh...

Dr:Mr Raisinghania had he ever the been the patient of Insomnia ???

[Insomnia: Is a case when a person faces problem in sleeping.. due to depression.. , anxiety]

Aj: ab.. yess doctor in past.. but he was totally fine.. he had cured

Doctor sighed: Mr Raisinghania He is again suffering from insomnia may be due to anxiety or something which is making him

depressed.. he havent sleep from many nights..

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