chapter 41

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Riddhima was bit emotional by his gestures.. she smiled caressing the saree then she remembered about the money she looked at vansh who was already staring her wid pure love nd affection.. she blushed a lil.. but soon her face turned pale..


Vansh came closer to her nd encircled his arms around her waist...

R: va..vansh i.. i.. vo your.. card...vo...

Vansh rolled his eyes

V: i know sweetheart u had transferred money... i got the msg..

Riddhimas eyes widened...

Vansh smiled: riddhima i had given that card for your use only... it doesnt matter to me how much u used nd why... i trust u...

Riddhimas eyes filled wid tears of happiness nd guilt... vansh smile frowned he wiped her tears she placed her hands on his chest nd snuggled more into his embrace...


R: vansh sejal needed money... so I

V:ssshhh.... i dont want to know riddhima...

Riddhima wanted to tell him whole thing.. but she couldnt she didnt wanted to spoil his mood so she decided to tell him everything later...

R: ok.. now wait I'll just come in 10 mins..

V: yaa i know 10 mins of women..(sarcastically)

R:what???(warning tone)

V:no.. i was just saying yes yes go go I'll wait..

Riddhima chuckled.. nd went inside the walk in closet..

10 mins were converted into all most 1 hr..

Vansh was waiting impatiently for her.. he was walking here nd there...

V: i will come in 10 mins... huh!!! 10 mins.. (rolled his eyes)

Then he heard the sound of opening slide door... he turned.. nd what he saw stopped his breath for a while.. he was not able to blink.. he was drooling...

Her hairs were flowing in air... her eyes were twinkling like stars... her lips were inviting him to taste... that smile on her face is enough to stop anybodies heartbeat... she was standing in that saree looking breathtaking... Vansh again felt for her... his heart skipped a beat.. her swan like neck... on which he wanted to leave his marks... her white milky bare shoulders... her perfect curves... her waist was lil visible how much he wanted to remove that saree stole from there... nd place kisses.. he was scanning her from toe to head.. head to toe lost in his own world... He is falling for her more n more in every passing minute..

V pov...

♡♥️♡Where have your love brought me ?

I don't feel the nights or the days now,

It will surely take my life.

In the love, eyes get only tears,

Yet my heart still wills to love you.

The heart doesn't listen to me and I don't listen to it either,

The heart doesn't listen to me, what should I do about it ?♡♥️♡

Pov ends

He never wanted to love anyone but she.. she forced him to love her.. wid out any efforts.. he know love gaves pain but his love is different nd the funny thing is his heart too willing for this love... his brain warned his heart to not fall in love but his heart.. his heart is willing to love her..

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