chapter 71

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Riddhima sighed...


Those days... They use to make love... after every 4-5 day gap....

It was a beautiful morning..

Vansh was sleeping cuddling riddhima close to him... and suddenly riddhima felt like vomiting... she jerked vanshs hands over her.. and ran inside the washroom... vansh got up wid jerk he wash worried about her... he banged the door..

V: riddhima.... riddhima Are u okay... riddhima... 

He was getting impatient...

V: riddhima...(banging the door)

Riddhima opened the door and wiped her.. face... she was breathing heavily.. vansh supported her... nd made her sit on bed...

V: u lay down riddhima.. I'll call the doctor..

Before he could go she stopped him by holding his  hand...

R: Vanshh.. i m absolutely fine..

V: I can see... (sarcastically)

Riddhima sighed.. she went towards him and rested her head on his chest and snuggled more in his embrace...

R: I m fine vansh... Its happen sometime I have best medicine u know...

She looked him he was already looking her.. she smiled..

R: U.... and your this broad embrace... for me......

Saying this she snuggled more... vansh hugged her and rested his chin on her head... and caressed her hairs...

V: Ok.. Fine...


Vansh was observing riddhima from few past days..  she had weakened as compare to old days.. she easily gets tired... nowdays.. vansh was worried about her... he was thinking... was he the reason behind her health.. is it bcoz of their regular.. love making sessions...

Riddhima was in their room... Folding their cloths... Vansh entered their room and back hugged her.. and burried his head on her neck nd sniffed her scent.... riddhima giggled due to ticklish sensation due to his beard...

V: How Many times i had told u.. not to do these... Works... for what i m paying servants...

He said placing kisses on her neck and behind the earlobes..

He made riddhima face him... he observed her features and caressed her cheeks..  Her face had turned pale...

V: riddhima...

R: hmm...

V: I think we should go to a doctor... I dont want to take any risk when its about your health..

Riddhima rolled her eyes: Vansh.. U r overthinking i m fine...

V:Then whats the problem in once check up...

R: tch.. vanshhhh... I m fine....

She cupped his face nd kissed his cheeks...


Before he could say riddhima kissed his lips..  It turned vansh on.. he pulled her more closer and deepened the kiss...

They kissed.. for few minutes and departed vansh cupped her face with one hand nd caressed her cheeks.  

V: Ok fine.. But only for more 2 days...If i didnt found any improvement then.. we will go for check up..

R: but va...

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