chapter 39

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Vansh reached Mangalore.. for his next deal nd target.. 

He was sitting in his huge cabin... he took out his phone.. nd tapped on gallery icon...

There, he saw his ladylove wid a beautiful smile on her face... a smile slipped on his face.. 

Suddenly there was a knock..

V:Come in...

Angre came..

A: boss.. Mr DevRaj Singh Rathore is here...

V: let him come..

Mr DSR entered his cabin nd saw vansh facing the wall... Mr Dev Raj Singh rathore is a greedy nd a crook... he is cunning nd have mastery in manipulating.... ppls..

Dsr: Singhania...

Vansh smirked..  nd turned..

V: come come... DSR have a seat...

Dsr: Singhania How dare u Sold my share....(he raised his voice)

V: cool down old man.. nd low your voice dont forget wid whom u r talking.. i m sure u wont like your tongue to get cut right!(said wid a dangerous tone)

Dsr gulped..

V: nd which share u  r talking about DSR? That share wasnt your.. it was completely mine.. do u remember me signing on those bloody papers...

He smirked..  Dsr understood vansh tricked.. him..  he gritted his teeth..  but all he know is the person standing infront of him is Vansh Raisinghania who have the power of ruining himm but he also wasnt going to back off.. you will pay singhania u will pay.. dsr thought...

V: oh common DSR u r here after months have some water...

Dsr gave him a fake smile nd drank water..

Vansh kept smirking which was irritating DSR as hell..

Dsr: Singhania.. I heard u got married...

Vanshs smirking face turned into a stern face.. Dsr smirked.. he had got the right nerves..

DSR: congratulations young man....

Vansh gritted...

DSR: ohh i just saw her in that Molesting news... ohhhh i felt sorry for your wife singhania...  btw what a pretty wom-

Vansh choked Dsr holding his neck..

V: Dare u speak about her anything from your filthy mouth.. U dont have that much strong bones... now.. so stop doing stunts..

Dsr choked.. he started caughing..vansh left himm... Dsr smirked..

Dsr: ahaaaa.... singhania.. weakness.. u know very well what business we have nd having weakne-

Vansh again choked his neck...

V: Get out before my hand get coloured wid your dirty blood bastard..  outtttt... 

He pushed Dsr..  but Dsr kept smirking.. nd went .

Vansh destroyed his cabin in seconds.. its true riddhima is now most important part of his life.. she is his strength as well as weakness.. he cant see even a single scratch on her..

Now knowingly or unknowingly she had became his weakness... he banged his hand on wall..  he didnt called riddhima bcoz he know if he will call her he will end up hurting her coz he is angry.. coz he was never scared before nd today he is scared.. he loves her lot that he cant even think of hurting her.. in his dreams also but his anger.. doest see wid whom he is talking nor he wanted to make her tensed so he decided not to talk.. wid her...

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