chapter 40

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Ajay chuckled at his son.. nd went patting his shoulder..

V: where should i take riddhima..  what if se dont like my choice... what if she get more upset... where should i take her.....

Vansh kept thinking..

V: I should ask Adhiyunt...

He dialed adhiyunt

Tring.. Tring..

Adhiyunt picked the call..

Adh: wassup. 

V: leave all that shit nd tell me the best place for date...

Adhi: howww mean..  meeena kahika.. (🌚)

V: tell naaaaa.... adhi.. plzzz...

Adhi: wait wait am i dreaming the Vansh Raisinghania saying plzzz... ohh 8th wonder..

V: just shut the crap nd tell me..

Adhi: u nd riddhima r going for date??

V:no me nd angre r going for date...

Adhi: whatttt r u cheating on riddhima..

Vansh rolled his eyes he was pissed by his friends irritating behaviour..

V: I'll find myself bye...

Adhi: wait wait Lemme book for u both the best... i will just msg u.. the place..

V: okk...

He hanged the call..

Adhi: such an ungrateful man.. not a thank u dont know how riddhima handles him.. huh!!(himself)

Vansh thought to inform riddhima.. about their date.. he started finding her.. but she was no where.. then he get to know she left for her college... he felt a sting of pain in his heart...

But he shrugged off nd thought to bought her a dress for their date..  he smiled like an idiot.. nd lil bit blushed thinking about their date.. it will be a evening date.. he want everything perfect on their 1st date he want to make it special..







Scene changes..

Riddhima was in cafeteria principal of the college was successfully changed by vansh...  he made sure that old principal rot in footpaths...

Riddhima was lost in her thoughts about that photos..  she believed vansh cant do this at all she was thinking who is trying to frame vansh

sejal had went to washroom..

Nd then riddhima heard a convo btw two girls..

G1: u know.. Someone morphed Aakrutis picture so her boyfriend could misunderstood her.. 

G2: yaaa.. i too get to know that how cheap ppls...

Riddhima smiled.. that her heart believes on vansh.. nd he cant do this.. she decided to tell vansh everything..





Sejal was coming to cafeteria nd suddenly someone pulled her aside.. sejals eyes widened looking at the person..

S: Ra..raghav.....

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