chapter 18

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Auditorium was filled with claps... nd then the party began... it wasnt too big it was just a small party.. some snacks and juices.. principal introduce vansh nd adhiyunt wid his teachers nd professors... both riddhima nd vansh were stealing glances... from eachother... paparazzi were also clicking pictures.. nd all .

One random girl 1: oh my god... vansh raisinghania he is looking so handsome... oh godd...his attitude.. his smile.. he is so hot..

Other girl 2:but he is married yrr... donno who is that lucky girl...

Girl1: yrr.. wish i could have win this project.. u saw how he was standing wid riddhima... tooo close...

Girl 3: nd guess what she was blushing.. too i mean how can she stand so close to a man even she is married... to some one else..

Girl2 : huh!!! She just shows she is innocent good.. but actually a attention seeker.. how can she stand so close to a man after marrying someone else also.

G 1: she saw na that vansh raisinghania a rich bussinessman handsome.. nd also VR showed some interest in her holding her hand helped her in walking downstairs.. so she thought y not to try.... how cheap.!!!

This convo was heard by ronak he gritted his teeth nd fisted his hand his ego was hurt.. he also saw how vansh encircled his arms around her waist.. nd pulled her lil closer nd she blushed..

Riddhima nd vansh were stealing glances... nd then their eyes met they smiled looking eachother... riddhima was sipping juice... nd her phone pinged nd saw a msg...

Madam, i m the guard of college.. madam any sushant said u r her sister he had left a package here.. kindly plzz collect your package...

R:sushant bhai?? Package? In college??but he didnt told me anything about this.... may be something important...

She told sejal nd excused herself.. she went out of the auditorium... nd she was going suddenly.. someone from behind closed her mouth nd pulled her towards laboratory riddhima tried to remove persons hand she struggled but it was of no use.. person overpowered her... rose from riddimas hair felled on ground nd the person smashed the rose... riddhima was hell scared she gulped... she was pushed inside the laboratory and then the person closed the door... riddhima was breathing heavily... she turned nd saw Ronak wid cunning smile.. riddhima was looking like him wid disgust...

R:how dare u ronak??? U touched me..

Ronak.. stepped forward towards her..

R: ronak stop there... i m warning u.. consequences will be worse stop there i m saying u...

Ron: nor what u will do..?? Huh??

Riddhima stepped back looking him coming forward..

R: ronak s..stop t..there...

Ronak pulled her towards him by her waist making her feeling more disgusting... he sniffed her smell... tears were rolling down her cheeks she struggled to free her...

R: ro..ronak leave me...( she cried)

Ron:ohh!!! Babe your smell can drive any men crazy...

She was feeling disgusting..

R: ronak plzzz leave me... ( she cried)

He tried to kiss her neck.. but due to sudden jerks.. nd struggling he wasn't able to he slapped her.. wid all force.. she felled on ground... her corner of lips started bleeding... his fingerprints were visible on her cheeks...

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