chapter 67

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The couple got up after making their morning session...

Vansh pulled riddhima towards him..

R: Vanshhh leave.. i m getting late for college...

He caressed her cheeks nd kissed her right cheek... she too kissed his cheeks.. he kissed her forehead.. she too reciprocated nd smiled cutely..

R: Okay done...! Now lemme go..

Vansh lifted her.. in bridal style..

R: Whatttt!!!!

V: Lets take shower together..

Riddhima whined..: Vanshhhhh!!

He chuckled... nd carried her to the bathroom...

V: If u want to stop me.. U can stop me now riddhima....

Riddhima blushed... nd burried her head in his chest.. he chuckled nd hugged her...

They both had shower together..

Riddhima wore her white frocksuit... she all was ready for college..

Vansh was also ready in his formal suit he checked his watch..

V : Sweetheart are u ready now?? We r getting late..

Riddhima came.. : Vansh I'll go myself u dont need to worry...

V: tch.. there is nothing to worry.. come..

They went downstairs and had their breakfast Ajay nd adhiyunt too joined them..

Aj; When are your exams riddhima starting riddhima??

R; Its from upcoming Monday...

Aj: so have u prepared??

R: Yess.. dad..

Vansh and adhiyunt smiled they ha random talks.. and were done wid their breakfasts.. Ajay got a call.. so he left the dinning area..

Adhiyunt was staring vansh narrowing his eyes.. nd then he looked riddhima who was covered her self completely in this hot weather vansh raised his eyebrows..

V: Whattt why r u staring me like this..

Riddhima made a confused face...

Adh: Vanshhh.. i remember u were wearing other suit in morning.. nd now u r wearing other... (teasy tone)

Riddhima looked away..

V: So whats the problemm!! (Wid tight smile)

Adhi: whats the problem.. nothing.. not..nothing... rich ppl u r rich u can do anything.. carry on carry on...

Vansh glared him..

Adhi: riddhima...

Riddhima jerked... : ye..yess..

Vansh was giving death glare to adhiyunt.. adhiyunt pressed his lips not to laugh..

Adhi: noth.. nothing.. I forgot what i was going to ask..

Vanshs phone started ringing.. he excused him...



R: everything okay between u and

Sejal now???

Adhiyunts smile felt.. nd he looked away..

R: Adhiyunt u and sejal are not kids.. u both are mature.. it wasnt sejals fault.. plzz mend things between u both..

Adhi: Riddhima.. if she would have tell the truth.. to me.. atleast what happend these months.. would not happen..u and vansh were the most affected person I am not actually dissapointed at her.. i am dissapointed at my self i cant make her trust on me.. i cant make her comfortable wid me.. that she could share her painfull secrets... she thought if she will tell me the truth.. I'll leave him.. how can she.. think i wont support her..

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