chapter 42

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It was night... clouds were cleared from sky... cold wind was blowing... sky was filled wid stars... twinkling.. that place had peace nd calmness...

And under that twinkling sky... riddhima nd vansh were sitting in one blanket riddhima rested her head on his chest nd he rested his chin on her head nd pulled more in his embrace..they were adoring the twinkling sky.. riddhima could hear his heartbeat..

R:thank u vanshhh... u made it so beautiful...

V; nd u made my life so beautiful..

They both looked into eachothers eyes they were lost in eachothers eyes... they were smiling.

○●Your wet lips say something to me.

My heart is happy that our thoughts are similar.

Now don't stop yourself like that, listen to what your heart says.

Let the evening go and let night be there.

How beautiful this moment is, I've stolen this from fate..●○•

R: we will stay like this na vansh???

Vansh smiled nd kissed her forehead..

V:yess riddhima.. we will stay like this forever... u will be always mine riddhima.. nd i will be always your vansh...

Riddhima smiled.. she cupped his face with one hand nd kissed on his cheeks.. nd blushed.. vansh was surprised.. he smirked..

V:bsss.. cheek kiss...???

Riddhima hitted his chest playfully... he chuckled.. nd pulled her into side hug under same blanket..

Their night spent adoring the twinkling sky.. in eachother embrace under same blanket.. infront of bonfire..

Vansh slept on riddhimas lap..



V: plzz can u read this novel for me..

R: yess give...

Vansh smirked.. it was an romantic novel.. riddhimas eyes widened.. her cheeks turned red..


V; naaa u had accepted to read.. now u have to read it for me..


V:no.... read..

Riddhima read the book which had tooo much romantic parts.. riddhima blushed while reading.. vansh kept staring her... he was enjoying riddhimas blushing sessions..

Their was a part in story were the leads of novel were getting intimate riddhima stopped reading nd blushed... vansh smirked..

V:read riddhima...

Riddhima gulped: va..vansh its getting late lets sleep..

V: are are sweetheart.. plzz finish this chapter.. after this we'll sleep.. read..

Riddhima could see vanshs mischievous behaviour... she looked away.. she was well aware of his intentions nd his smirks..

R:vanshhh...(she glared)


V: accha ok give me I'll read..

Riddhimas eyes widened..

Vansh read whole intimate scene.. smirking in btw he was looking her reactions.. she had turned red whenever he use to look her she use to look away.. nd tuck her hairs..

Vansh closed the book


Riddhima was looking away.. but when she heard done she again looked vansh..


V:y..yes(mimicking her)

Riddhima was blushing hard his mischievous stares were doing something to her... she looked away not to meet his stares..

Vansh smirked.. he came bit closer to her nd swiped his hand on her waist.. she shivered by his touch... she looked towards him.. he was smirking.. he came more closer..

Riddhima gulped..

V: riddima.. what i was saying ki...(intensly staring her)

R:w..what.. ??(she couldnt stop herself to blush)

V: i was saying ki...


Vansh stared her lips intensly..

V: ki..dont u think... we..


V: we should try these intimate scenes practically... (intensly came close to her)

Riddhimas eyes widened.. vanshs hand travelled to her strings.. she shivered when his hand touched her bare back.. her hands were placed on his chest.. her grip tightened. On his chest..she looked down..

Vansh smirked..



R:vansh.. i m not....

Vansh placed his finger on her lips...

V:ssshhhh... sweetheart. I was joking.. i know u r not ready..

Riddhima looked him surprised.. vansh leaned more into her.. he kissed her cheeks.. nd then slowly he moved towards her earlobes.. he kissed her earlobes..

V: I'll wait for u sweetheart.. if it means my whole life.. but only thing i want is u.. by my side forever.. (he whispered intensly nd placed a kiss on her earlobes..)
Riddhima blushed nd smiled...

V: noww come lets sleep..

Vansh pulled her into his embrace.. nd covered themselve wid duvet.. riddhima placed her head on his chest.. nd slept hugging him...

They both happily drifted to sleep.. unknown of the storm that is going to take place in their life.. unknown that they r going to be the next victim of fates cruel game.... ~♥️~

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