chapter 14

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Riddhima was still staring him... she was shocked by his sudden action...

Sus: byee.. byee riddhi..

R: bye.. bhai..

Vansh was feeling awkward he licked his lips.. vansh passed a awkward smile to her nd went.. she also went... sejal arrived..

Se: mhmmmm.. how romantic riddhu...

Riddhimas eyes widened..


S: ohooo u r asking like u dont know anything.. i saw everything...

R: what u saww let me also know..

S:byee sweetheart... wowww so romantic... hayeeee.. 

R:sejalll!! (She glared)

Sejal giggled.. they were walking.. ronak came nd whistled.. riddhima made a face which shows only disgust..

Ron: hi babe!!! Talk wid me also.. believe me u wont regret..

R: i m warning u.. ronak.. just stay in your limits . Nd stay away from me...

Ron: woohhh!!! I like it..

Riddhima ignored him nd went..

S: i m telling u just tell vansh about him.. i m suree he will teach him a good lesson..

R: sejall!!! Already their is lots of tension problems in my life.. i dont want to invite another one..

Saying this she went inside the classroom..

Scene changes...

Vansh was in his office.. checking some files.. door opened he know very well who must be..

V: come.. come.. sit adhi-

Adh: what come come sit u... fool.. i had called u 50 time can u believe 50 times..

V:yaa i know..(he said causally)

Adh: nd may i know the reason u were u not picking my phone.. what busy work u were doing... huh??

V:i was wid my wife..

Adhiyunt smiled...

Adhi: whattt..... means.. u..( teasy tone)

V:means i was apologising ....( he glared )

Adhi:i mean that only.. my pervert friend..

Vansh glared..

V:nd may i know the reason.. y u called 50 times like u broke up wid your 2 rupee girlfriend Tanya...( said sarcastically)

Adhi: shut up!!!

Vansh rolled his eyes :whatever!!

Adhi: i had called u because your next target.. Avinash huda.. had arrived from canada.. to Mumbai..( wid a devilish smirk)

Vansh smirked: woww!!! My hands.. r eagerly waiting to do their work.. my nose is waiting to smell blood..

Angre knocked nd entered..

A: good morning boss!! Good morning adhiyunt sir..

Adhi nd V:good morning angre!!

A: boss just order me.. what i have to do next..

Adhi: smart angre!!

Trio smirked..

V: u dont need to Angre!!! My prey will himself come to me...

Trio smirked...

Scene changes..

Sej: uhhho yrr riddhu.. we r humanbeings y dont our professor's understand... just look at the project they had given...

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