chapter 27

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They both were hugging eachother... vansh rested his chin on her head...

V:your dad didnt said anything???

R: he shouted maa.. bcoz of me baba shouted maa... (sobbing)

Vansh hugged her lil tightly nd caressed her hairs nd kissed her hairs.. riddhima snuggled more into his chest...

V: it was not your fault riddhima.. she said wrong.. nd husband wife had small fights.. its ok.. 

Riddhima pulled away nd pouted..

R: but i know she didnt meant those words.. she was just worried about my marriage life..

Vansh chuckled.. at her cute antiques..

V:so then y r u upset??? When u know she doesnt meant those words..

R:sometimes words hurt..  (she snuggled in his chest)

Vansh was liking no loving the comfort... he was very happy that now riddhima is comfortable with him.. nd telling her feelings.. they both were hugging eachother then riddhima realized their position she immediately broked the hug.. vansh was smiling but suddenly his smile frowned.. riddhima tucked her hair behind her ears.. she was embarrassed she was snuggling more n more into his chest... their was an awkward silence for a while...

R:u..?? U here how do u know that i was??

Vansh was so impatient to meet her that he didnt thought what excuse he would  give her when she will ask him.. he was speechless.

V:vo..av.vab... i have my ways riddhima i m vansh raisinghania...

Riddhima chuckled..

She saw vansh was sweating.. then she realized that AC was off nd vansh had habit of always living in Air Conditioned rooms... he wasnt saying he was uncomfortable so that she doesnt feel uncomfortable he just gave her a smile riddhima smiled.. realizing that he is uncomfortable but he is not saying.. vansh was sweating.. so he pulled his sleeves lil up.. showing his biceps.. nerves were visible on his biceps..which were  giving more manly look to vansh...riddhima was staring his biceps.. then she realized he was smirking.. she looked away she again made her embarrassed...

R: va..vansh u sit...

Vansh sat on bed.. riddhima closed the balcony door nd switched on the AC. She took a handkerchief nd wiped his sweat beeds on his forehead.. he smiled this is one of the reason which made him fall for her... her care... widout saying she get to know he was feeling uncomfortable.. they both had a eyelock... riddhima noticed his face.. his face was showing how much tired he was.. then realized he was still in his office attire which he was wearing in evening... now she doubt if he had his dinner or not..

R: vansh...


R: did u had your dinner???

Vansh was surprised.. nd by his expression riddhima got to know that he didnt had his dinner.. she sighed..

R:means u didnt had your dinner... vansh y r u so workoholic its good that u work but.. like this ignoring your food...its not good for your health...

Vansh smiled he is falling more n more for this lady who is standing infront of him.. he would have shouted if anyone else had said this to him.. he would have shouted adhiyunt.. he would have ignored his dad.. but here he is enjoying her scolding him.. may be coz he had never get  women's love in his whole life... riddhima made a confused face.. here she is telling something nd he is lost in his own world nd smiling like a maniac..

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