Chapter 58

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It's been a few weeks since the kidnapping and everyone has recovered well from the shock. In the last few days and weeks, it has gotten warmer and most of the snow has melted.

Today Kelly and Matt picked up Andrew, Caleb and Julian from school and drove them to a camping shop to buy camping gear for the festival. "So how was school?" Matt asked as the boys got in the car. "Very good. We had an English exam today." Andrew said. "And? How did it go?" Matt asked. "Simply. All we had to do was read a text and answer questions about it." Andrew said. "Well, we'll see about that then." Matt said. "You two?" Kelly asked. "I had a meeting today with these two Brazilian boys, their foster parents and their teacher." Caleb said. "Ok. And? How are they?" Kelly asked. "To be honest. I imagined it to be a little more closed off. But they've settled in really well, they speak reasonably good English, and their teacher said they're doing classes now, too." Caleb said. "So, what do you have to do then?" Julian asked. "Help with the homework. There are still a few subjects that they don't quite get along with and I help them with that." Caleb explained. "I think it's great that you're doing this." Matt said. "They only asked me because I'm the oldest at home." Caleb said. "See. There are benefits, too." Kelly said.

In front of the outdoor store, Kelly let the boys and Matt out and looked for a parking space. "Can we maybe try to find a family tent or something?" Julian asked. "And maybe some sunscreen too so we don't get burned by the sun." Andrew said. "We're going to see what we can find and get advice." Matt said. When Kelly came over, they went in. "Hello. Can I show you something or would you like to take a look around first?" a saleswoman asked. "We'll take a look around first. But we'd call back if we needed help." Matt said. "Yes, of course." the saleswoman said and went to another customer who was just entering the store. "Dad. The tents are up. Shall we look there first?" Caleb asked. "Maybe not a bad idea. Then we'll know how much space you'll have." Kelly said. "Well then. Upstairs." Matt said. The boys ran ahead and Kelly and Matt followed. "That would be a good tent. Room for 4 people." Julian said. Matt opened the tent curtain of the display model, and the 3 boys crawled inside. "The tent is perfect. Look how much space we have here." Andrew said. The boys crawled back out and Kelly and Matt checked out the tent. "All right then. We have the tent. What else do you need?" Kelly asked. Caleb took the packing list they found on the internet out of his school bag. "Sleeping bags and sleeping pads." Caleb said. "And pillow pads." Andrew said. "We can just take a pillow from us, right?" Caleb asked. "You can do that, sure." Kelly said. "Good. Pillow pad is out." Caleb said. The 5 spent a few hours at the outdoor store buying all the essentials for safe camping. "I'm really looking forward to the festival." Andrew said. "Me too." Julian said. "Most of all, I'm excited to see what kind of stars are coming." Andrew said. "We can check that on the website as soon as we get home. The lineup should be pretty much out by now." Caleb said. "What about tickets?" Matt asked. "Talia got these." Caleb said. "Okay." Kelly said. "No worries. We already paid her back from our pocket money." Caleb said. "Why didn't you ask us?" Matt asked. "Because it's our adventure and we want to pay for it ourselves. Plus, it was only $50 per person and that's all included." Caleb explained. "And that means?" Matt asked. "This means that we don't have to pay extra for autographs, selfies, photo shoots, etc. The only thing we have to pay for out of pocket is food and drinks." Andrew said. "Unless we take our own food for 4 days." Julian said. "We can look. We have a cooler and 3 water canisters." Andrew said. "From what I know your mothers, they'll pack you provisions for 2 weeks so you don't starve." Matt laughed. "Oh, and you want us to starve." Julian joked. "You know exactly what I meant by that." Matt said. "We're just kidding you a little, Uncle Matt." Caleb said. Kelly and Matt looked at each other, shaking their heads. "I think those two just made fun of us, too." Andrew whispered. "I've noticed that now too." Caleb whispered back. "Good. Now that we've been kidding each other how about we go home." Matt suggested.

"Are we going to leave the camping gear in the car?" Andrewasked as Kelly and Matt got out and headed straight to the front door. "Yeah,we can leave those in." Kelly said. "Ok."the boys said and headed for the front door. Whenthe 5 came into the living room, not only Stella, Sylvie, Aiko and Elyas weresitting there, but also Katie and 3 very familiar faces.

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