- Chapter 6 -

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So the least he can do is make all the things he has now last a while. He starts a small fire, using it to dry his clothes. Now naked and freezing, he focuses his attention on the broken door. With the cold wind still coming in, the cabin doesn't have a chance of being as warm as it was before.

He searches down in the dark cellar again, avoiding the barrel of fish. He finds tools in a dark corner and brings them up. He holds the heavy hammer in his hand, though he doesn't know the first thing he's supposed to do.

"Remember Izu, if the door breaks, you have to check its hinges."

So he does. The men had kicked it down, and it had sounded so terrible to his ears in the moment, he was surprised to find that the hinges were still intact to the doorframe.

"Good boy. Now find more screws. Mommy always has extra just in case."

Izuku finds them and grips them in his hand, stepping to the door.

"Lift the door now Izu. Mommy will not always be there, so you need to learn to do it yourself ok? Be a big boy."

Izuku does his best. The door is heavy when he tries to lift it, but he keeps trying. He feels his arms strain, but eventually he gets it a couple inches off of the ground. Though his hands slip, and it goes thudding back to the ground.

Izuku feels tears pricking at his eyes, his hands and arms burning.

"Its ok Izu! Just try again. You can do it. Mommy believes in you."

Izuku tries and tries again. It's still so cold, his clothes are warming up enough that he can put them on, and they will actually do the job of keeping him warm.

He tries again, but instead he gets a tall stool from the cellar, using it to prop the door. It works, and he feels proud.

"I knew you could do it! Mommy's little helper. Now all you have to do is put the screws in like i taught you. It's easy peasy for a boy as smart as you!"

He looks up. The first part he needs to screw in is way too high. He looks around and sees an empty barrel. He drags it over and stands on it, now tall enough to screw in the first part of the door.

He finishes screwing the door back onto its hinges and steps back to admire his work, slightly exhausted.

"Good job my little baby! This calls for some soup!"

Izuku's shoulders slump as he remembers that hes starving. There isn't any soup. He moves the stool and the barrel away from the door, instead putting them in a corner of the cabin. He sits by the fire, watching the flames lick up and down.

It's still so cold.

He begins to get used to being all alone. With the door fixed, the heat from the fire is trapped inside and it begins to get warm. Though it feels completely different from how it was before.

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