- Chapter 33 -

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"Fuck you-"

 He kicks him again, his boot slamming into ribs. That wasn't the answer he was looking for and he's going to do what he needs to do until he fucking gets what he wants. 

"D-Do whatever you want... I'm not telling you anything..."

 Izuku glares down at him before he takes his knife from his belt and rips the man's clothes covering his upper half. Mr. Toshinori watches the whole thing from the fire, still not saying anything.

 Izuku gives one last warning to the man that if he doesn't say anything now, he'll tie him to the dog post in the cold and ask him then. The man glares up at him. 

"Then fucking do it, because I'm not telling you s-shit."

 Izuku grips the man's hair and pulls him out the door, the other continuing to kick and scream. He drags him out in the snow and ties him to the dog post using the rope, standing over him when he's done.

 He tells him that he's going to be coming out here every five minutes and if he doesn't talk by the time Izuku's patience runs out, then he'll just kill him. The man scoffs weakly, body already shivering from the cold. 

"Why the hell would you kill me? From the looks of it, you need me to answer your stupid fucking questions."

 Izuku kicks him in the ribs before slamming his head against the post. He tells him that he isn't important enough, that killing him wouldn't set Izuku back at all. He lets go of the man's hair and leaves, going back inside of the house.

 It's warm, and he feels like he can relax at least for a bit. Maybe he'll leave the man out there a couple of extra minutes just so he knows Izuku isn't playing around. Mr. Toshinori watches his every move when he walks in and gets comfortable. 

He sits across from the man at his normal spot and doesn't say anything. Mr. Toshinori breaks the silence, the dogs sleeping soundly, resting from their fight. 


 The man looks away from him and Izuku stands up, going over to the pile of cut up meat and getting some. He unpacks it and sits by the fire again, getting it started so that he could make something for them to eat. 

He figures he can at least eat while the man collects his thoughts, his stomach grumbling with the need for food. Mr. Toshinori takes the packed meat from his hands, taking over.

 "I'll do it."

 Izuku lets him, putting his hands in his lap. The sizzling and crackling of meat over the fire doesn't take long to start, and the man's eyes find Izuku's. He pointedly ignores the puffiness and redness around his blue eyes. 

"You could have died. You know that right?"

 Izuku's first response is to tell him that he didn't die, but he just nods. 

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