- Chapter 49 -

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He calls Fenrir to stay close to him. The wolf stops walking ahead, coming back. He takes a piece of meat from his pocket and gives it to him as a reward. He looks around them, eyes taking in every single detail he can. He has never seen so much... green before. 

At least that's what he thinks the color is called, his mom had told him it was the color of her hair. There is still snow, but it's not as deep. Its half melted, and it makes his boots squeak against the grass when he steps down.

 He even notices some small flowers poking out from the ground. He had started to notice it as they walked further and further, how the winds calmed, and the snow stopped falling. He never thought such a thing was possible. 

Fenrir looks around, bright yellow eyes scanning their surroundings. He hears the sound of birds calling to each other, and looks up at the trees, unbothered by the white snow that he has known all his life.

 He refuses to take off his coat or any of his snow fighting equipment, feeling better with it on. He pats Fenrir's white fur, the wolf looking up at him. The two of them continue walking through the woods, the smell of the pines growing stronger the farther they get from the snowy area. 

They walk for a couple more hours, taking some breaks here and there. As they get further away from the direction they came from, the snow finally melts all the way, flowers in bloom and the sun brightly shining down on all of the vibrant colors of the forest. 

The sun shines towards them and he turns away, one hand shadowing over his eyes. Down the cliff that they are currently on, is a town. It's the biggest place he has ever seen in his entire life (Which isn't anything impressive). 

Even from all the way up here, he can tell there are tons of people living in just this one space. The sight would have made a younger version of himself ecstatic, though he doesn't really feel anything right now. 

Down there could be his next lead on finding the organization, and then finding the people who killed his mom. His gaze darkens and he pulls the sled, beginning to make his way down the cliff via a small, uneven pathway. 

He calls for Fenrir to follow, and the white wolf follows close behind the sled, ears flickering back and forth, listening to all of the sounds around them. Izuku pulls his yellow scarf around himself tighter, and trudges carefully. 

The incline is rough thanks to him having to adjust the sled and make sure it doesn't slide off of the edge, but he eventually makes it down, Fenrir happy to run around without having to be careful. The wolf bounds around, rolling in the grass. 

Izuku looks ahead, already hearing the bustling of the town. His grip tightens around the sleds rope. He continues walking, the town getting closer. There are small trails made out of stone, going into the forest and into the town, disappearing from sight. 

The stones are put in sort of off, making the surface of the trails uneven instead of smooth. He walks next to the trail, pulling the sled behind him. Fenrir perks up, and races over, only to trip himself and roll around in the grass again.

 Izuku meets the eyes of some people standing at one of the houses, dark looks on their faces. He looks away and continues walking, Fenrir's fur standing up slightly as he follows him. Looking at it from above doesn't do it any justice. There really are a lot of people here. 

The main street is wide to make room for stalls, spaced out to make room to enter buildings. There are tons of people walking around, yelling and calling to each other, talking and haggling as people buy and sell goods.

 Izuku goes down the big street, getting some annoyed and suspicious looks as he passes. Fenrir is only getting more aggressive, his pupils slit and a deep growl coming from his body. He stops and waits for the wolf to come to his side, his hand out. 

He pets him with his gloved hand, ruffling his fur and watching as some stray blades of grass fly from him. He eventually gets away from the main street and finds himself in some alleyways. the brick and narrowness of these parts intrigue him. 

He glances back at his sled that is barely fitting between the buildings, and glowers. There would be no way to carry all of his stuff without the sled, but it would be a big inconvenience to fit between places like this. 

He's about to figure out if he should leave some stuff behind, but he hears a voice from deeper in the alley. 

"Hey kid... You lost or something?" 

He turns his head towards the sound, and from the darkness, a man steps out. He has a big grin on his face, and both him and Fenrir are instantly on high alert. He is wearing rings on his fingers, a black cloak placed around his shoulders. Izuku doesn't say anything. 

"You don't look like you're from around here at all.... say, you interested in... rare goods?" 

He narrows his eyes at the man, though he doesn't seem to be paying attention to that. He is looking at Fenrir, his eyes glinting in curiosity. 

"Thats a pretty beast you have there. Have you ever heard of the black market?" 

He doesn't say anything. The man laughs, the sound echoing around the alleyway. 

"I guess you haven't! Around there, you can sell anything. Its run by these people called the Paranormal Liberation Front th-" 

Izuku couldn't have gotten there fast enough, racing towards him and slamming his arm against his neck, pinning him to the wall. The man gags, coughing violently. 


Izuku demands to know more about the black market. 

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