- Chapter 32 -

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Mr. Toshinori yanks the door open at that moment, a hammer in his skeleton like hands. 

"Izuku stand ba-!"

 The man cuts himself off as he looks at the corpses of the men in the snow. Izuku doesn't stop to look at him, going towards the bleeding man. He sees him approaching and cries out, using his arms to crawl away. 

"S-Stay away! I said fucking- g-get away from me!" 

He pants heavily, stopping at putting fingers to his mouth, letting out a short whistle. The wolves which were previously standing by now were ready to attack. With their teeth bared and claws digging into the snow, they are ready to lunge at Izuku. 

The dogs come out from the house and beat Izuku to it, fighting with the pack in a mess of snarls, yelps, and bites. He turns his attention back to the beaten man, who is still trying to get away.

 Izuku walks over to him and plants his boot right at his back, pressing down and stopping him. He tells the man that he has a couple of questions that he better get answers to, or things are going to get bad for him. The man screams,

 "Like hell I would ever tell you anything you sick fuck! Let me go! You already slashed my legs what more do you want!?" 

Izuku tells him that he wants answers and that if he isn't going to say anything then he has ways to make him talk. The man turns white as a sheet as he squirms even harder. 

"No! No no let me go!" 

Mr. Toshinori leaves from the door and goes over to the dogs, who are licking each other's wounds and going back into the house after leaving the corpses of the enemy. The skeleton like man silently takes the dogs corpses inside, casting Izuku a dark look.

 The green haired boy doesn't say anything to him yet, attention still on the man under his boot who is still continuing to squirm. He takes his boot off of the man and leans down, gripping his shins in both hands.

 He begins to pull, and the man only screams louder, hands digging into the snow. 

"No! Let me go! Please, just let me go! I'll die in the snow anyway!"

 He drags him to the house and through the door. The man's nails continue to dig but he struggles to get a hold of anything because of his gloves. Mr. Toshinori watches in front of the fire with stone cold eyes, his mouth twisted into a frown. 

"What do you plan to do with that man Izuku?" 

He doesn't answer and rolls the man into the corner using just his legs. The man screams echo around the house and the dogs bark, irritated. Izuku kicks the man's ribs harshly, sending him into a coughing fit. He demands that he tell him everything he knows about the group he was with. 

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