- Chapter 56 -

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He can hear the small hint of annoyance in his voice, which only makes him want to get him pissed off even more. Better than the asshole being all stoic and shit. He guesses the nerd isn't completely useless, since he did patch him up. 

Now, he won't be held back by that stupid old man. Deku looks back at him, his face still expressionless, all except his eyes, that spark with emotion. 

"I'll call you Kacchan then. A nickname." 

Katsuki almost hits him for how childish the name sounds. But he settles for yelling. 

"The hell you are! Why the hell are you giving me a nickname anyway?! It's not like we're going to see each other after this, dumbass." 

Deku reaches his hand and pets the wolf, making the animal stretch out even further, its fur fluffing out. 

"Then what are you going to do kacchan." 

Katsuki sits up, arms propped back to hold him up. 

"I'm getting the fuck out of here. So, Deku, you can just fu-" 

He doesn't get to finish his sentence (Again.) because suddenly, Deku's hand is pulling out a blade from his belt. At first, Katsuki thinks he's going to kill him, but then he uses his other hand to force his head down, folding him. He feels the brush of something cold whip past the hairs on his head, and nearly shits himself. 

"Damnit! I missed!" 

A man swears, pulling his ax from the wall. The wolf is already on him before he can though, ripping and tearing, the man screaming. He scrambles up, Deku running past him. He looks back, and in the opening of the alleyway, there is a group of men with weapons. 

Katsuki recognizes them as guards from the tent. Why the fuck they're there is a mystery to him at the moment. Deku uses his knife to take one of them down, dodging and barely missing their punches. Katsuki's eyes land on the fire poker and he goes back to the fight.

 He might want to get the fuck out of here, but that doesn't mean he's just going to leave this idiot to deal with these guys. He makes eye contact with his first victim, and holds the poker above his head, stabbing him right in the eye before he can move fast enough. 

The guy is screaming and writhing back, the poker stuck cleanly into his skull. Deku is finishing the last guy, slitting his throat. The wolf is too busy tearing the flesh from the first guy with cracks and rips. 

"We have to go. More are coming."

 Katsuki can already hear footsteps coming at a distance. The guy with the poker is still trying to get at him, his remaining eye bugging out in rage. His weapon is tight in his hands, aiming right at him. 

"You piece of-!"

 Deku swiftly extends his arm between the man's own that were raised to attack, and deeply cuts his throat, slipping his blade back into its place on his belt. They meet each other's eyes, Katsuki's blown wide and Deku's the same as always. 

The expression makes him want to curse him out. Fuck him for trying to be all cool and shit! 

"I'm not going to fucking thank you." 

Deku grabs the rope of the sled, the wolf covered in blood. He looks at him, green eyes bright even compared to the bright red blood on his face. 

"I wasn't expecting you to." 

Katsuki wants to hit him again. They rush out, the sound of them moving through the alleyways covered up by the sound of Katsuki's blood pumping in his ears. He looks behind them to see a whole group of people. 

"There they are!!" 

They speed up, running as fast as they can. He has no idea where the hell they're going, but they eventually end up at the end of the town, the surrounding area a mess of trees that seem to go on for miles, even in the dark. It's either that, or getting his head chopped off back in town. 

He goes with the obvious answer and moves forward, Deku next to him. Katsuki clicks his tongue and glares. 

"Walk behind me, Deku."

 He doesn't say anything but walks slower so he trails behind. Katsuki feels the wolf's tail brush against him but can barely see him when he looks down. Damnit. Why the hell did those extras come out and try to kill them?!

 Now he has to wait until they get to the next town in order to get his plan in motion. They walk deeper into the woods, no sound other than their own footsteps and the insects in the trees. At least they lost those guys, now they don't have to race through a shit ton of trees. 

He glances behind him to see how Deku is doing. The first thing Katsuki could tell about this dumbass is that he doesn't like it when it's quiet. For whatever fucking reason, he starts to fidget and shit. As his own form of 'thanks' (In quotations because Katsuki fucking Bakugou doesn't say thank you, and definitely not to a freckled face loser) he decides to talk. 

"Why do you think those extras were chasing us, Deku. Your broke ass paid the right amount, right?" 

Deku hums in answer. 

"Yes, I'm sure I did... How does the currency work?" 

Katsuki huffs. 

"Just like any other form of currency, shitty Deku. Don't tell me you've never been to a fucking town before." 

He doesn't get an answer. 

"Then why were you cheaper than the backpack I wanted kacchan?" 

Katsuki feels anger pool in his stomach and glares behind him. Deku isn't laughing like he was trying to make a dig at him, just looking at him with a stupidly confused face (and for him, that's just his brows slightly furrowed). 

"How the hell should I know?! Never say that shit to me again or I'm going to kick your ass!" 

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