- Chapter 43 -

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<- Katsuki ->

It's warm. 

Being with his parents fills him with happiness, a warm feeling that puts a smile on his face. He's pretty lucky, being five years old and the child of two of the richest people in this small town, he can't really see his life anywhere else. 

He spends most of his time at home, playing with his many toys and talking to the maids. His parents aren't really home that much, so Katsuki busies himself with normal five-year-old behaviors. He looks outside the window of his bedroom, his activity of smashing his figures together in a previously epic battle now forgotten. 

He sighs loudly, tapping the heads of his figures against the wall as he watches the rain coming down, tapping its own tune against the glass. He hates the rain. The mud it makes after it leaves, the loud clashing of thunder that normally follows it. 

He turns away from the window to go out of his room, only to bump into a maid that is standing right next to it. The women makes an 'oh!' sound, and he glares up at her. This maid's main job besides cleaning the house was to take care of him while his parents were gone. 

So naturally, Katsuki hates her the most. She looks down at him, hands on her hips, her blue rimmed glasses sliding down her nose slightly. 

"Bakugou, you have to stay in the room! The maids will bring you your lunch later so be patient!"

 As she scolds him, Katsuki feels his irritation rising. He grips the two figures in his little hands. Who does this woman think she is? These toys in his hand cost more than she could ever make in her life! He could just make up a lie and have his parents fire her. 

She wouldn't be able to scold him so fucking much if she was out on the streets. Katsuki tells her to fuck off, and she only gets fussier. Her perfectly tailored and crisp white maid uniform brightens up the hallway and Katsuki can see that her shoes are clean and shiny. 

"That is no way for a young gentleman to speak! Now be patient! After lunch you have your lessons, let's see what your teacher has to say about this behavior!" 

At the mention of lessons Katsuki throws his figures towards the maid, causing her to jump back and let out a sound of surprise. He balls up his fists around nothing now and turns on his heel, rushing off. 

"Bakugou! Get back here this instant!"

 He looks behind him to see the maid trying to run after him but failing, twisting all of the fabric of her uniform to try and not drag it on the floor. He sticks his tongue out at her and runs around the corner, passing by several maids who all try to catch him.

 "Bakugou get back here right now!" 

"Get back to your room!"


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