- Chapter 54 -

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He can tell that this guy is committing everything he's saying to his memory. Its fucking creepy and weird. Especially with that look on his face, all serious and calculating. This wolf aint bad though, it hasn't barked at him at all. 

"That's all I got. I'll have to write the names down and shit since I doubt you can remember all of them. Which brings me to my next point." 

He narrows his eyes at him. He's sure this asshole already knows that Katsuki will fucking kill him if he tries anything, and he sure as hell isn't staying with this guy longer then needed. He would have left right this second if it wasn't for the stupid fucking mark. 

"I want to get the fuck out of this place, and that doesn't involve some green haired loser. But with the mark that slaves get, it'll be a pain in the ass to go anywhere. Inspections are mandatory for any place worth a damn, and if they see the mark, my happy ass will be right back being sold." 

Understanding flashes in green eyes. 

"So you want me to help you get rid of it?" 

He nods. 

"It'll hurt like a motherfucker, and I can't risk passing out and doing further damage to my body."

 He seems to think for a moment, before nodding. 

"We'll have to find somewhere to do it." 

Katsuki nods, expecting him to already have a place in mind. 

"But I don't have a place so-" 

Of fucking course. He glares at him, already fighting the urge to punch his stupid face. 

"Then where the hell do you expect us to find some place with a way to remove it idiot?!" 

The teen doesn't seem worried about it, because he looks back at him, face still stoic. 

"We'll find somewhere. Where is the mark." 

Katsuki slaps a hand right on the middle of his chest where the big crescent is put on his skin. This seems to make the guy come up with something, because he grabs the rope to the sled that he's oddly fucking pulling around and begins to walk. 

"I have an idea." 

 Katsuki rolls his eyes and follows. The wolf is following too, right beside the green haired teen. He's never seen a white furred wolf so up close before, let alone touched one. Even in all of the rich homes that he was a slave in, they only ever had packs of hounds. 

He doubts this guy even has a house if he's carrying all of his shit on a sled. Now that he thinks about it, this guy doesn't seem like the type to be a little bitch because of the cold, so maybe he's from somewhere where there is a lot of snow? Katsuki's never been to a place like that.

 It sounds like such a fucking hassle, trudging through a shit ton of snow just to get to a place. Katsuki smells sweet flowers under the smoke and meat coming from the black market, thanks to them getting further and further away from it. 

The rest of the streets are quiet, filled with many alleyways much like the town of Katsuki's childhood. They walk in silence, because what the hell is there to talk about. Katsuki just wants to think about what to do after this.

 If this dumbass does manage to get the mark off of him, he'll find a map and see where the closest major city is. Then, he can pass inspection, and start a new life there. Or he can ditch that plan all together and go back home to see if his parents are still living in that old house, just to burn it all to the ground with them inside. 

The thought brings him a small twinge of excitement. A flash of the old woman crosses his mind. Maybe he'll go see her, if that old hag is still kicking. It wouldn't surprise him if she was. His thoughts are interrupted when the green haired dumbass makes an abrupt turn into another alleyway. Katsuki grumbles, racing after him and the wolf. 

"What the hell are you doing?" 

He looks ahead to see him going towards an open door leading inside of a house. It has small steps leading into the alleyway, and sitting on those steps is a man, poking the coals of a small furnace fire. When he sees them approach, he is instantly tense, looking at the three of them in clear fear. 


"Can we borrow your fire." 

The man looks at the idiot like he just grew three fucking heads and started breathing rainbows at him. The wolf growls deeply, catching the man's attention. He doesn't even say anything if you don't count screaming, because he races so fast towards the open door that he almost trips up the two steps. 

He slams the door behind him, and they hear the sound of a lock clicking. The dumbass doesn't even hesitate before sitting down where the man previously was, taking the place of poking the coals. The light of the fire casts shadows on his freckled face, and his eyes flicker to him. 

"You think we can burn it off?" 

Katsuki just stares at him, silent. Then, he yells at him. 

"Are you fucking stupid?! Why the hell would we do that?!" 

The idiot looks at him confused, before he looks back at the small fire. 

"Why wouldn't we? I have some medical stuff in the sled, so you don't have to worry about infections. I promise I'll be careful. After the mark is gone, you'll write me that list." 

Katsuki watches as he lifts the fire poker, glowing red. A shiver runs down his spine and he scoffs.

 "Alright. But if I die from this, I'm going to fucking kill you." 

The green haired idiot nods, the wolf plopping himself down on the ground, uninterested in what they are doing. Katsuki sits on the ground, the asshole on the steps above him. 

"You might want to put your shirt in your mouth. It's going to hurt a lot."

 Katsuki glares at him. 

"I fucking know that dumbass!" 

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