- Chapter 30 -

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The first one approaches but Izuku doesn't stop running, gripping his knife and taking it out from his belt. The man watches with an amused grin. 

"What do you plan on doing with tha-"

 Izuku lunges at him, hooks his arm around the man's neck and swings using the momentum he picked up as he ran. Using the hand with the blade, he slices the man's neck before he has a chance to say anything else. 

This is the first time he's ever killed anyone, and he doubts it would be the last. The feeling of the man gargling and gasping for breath against Izuku's arm, the sounds of him choking, the warm blood soaking into his coat, Izuku is there for every single bit of it. 

And when he lets go of the man's neck and watches him fall to his knees, eyes building and panicked, he feels some sort of accomplishment. One more step. The man falls and stains the snow under him red.

 He doesn't have any more time to waste, not when the other two men get away from the door and turn to him, weapons in hand. 

"You piece of shit!"

 One of them swings a metal ax towards him, a weapon he's never seen before. He dodges it, boots sinking into the snow as the blade barely misses him. His heart skips a beat, and he lets out a shaky breath. The third man comes from behind him, holding a blade longer than his own.

 He ducks and runs, stabbing the man in the back of the knees. He screams, knees falling into the snow. The second one doesn't give him time to slice this guy's neck just yet, swinging his ax again, aimed right at Izuku's head.

 He doesn't get to dodge in time, because it grazes his arm, leaving a big slash into his arm, instantly stinging because of the cold. He winces as blood gushes out of his wound and soaking into the area around his mom's coat. 

How dare these monsters continue to take things he cares about? He grips his knife tighter, and as the man goes to make another swing, he takes a risk. When he lifts his arms to swing, Izuku slips in front of him and plunges his knife into the man's thick neck, blood squirting and landing all over his face. 

He takes it out only to continue stabbing the man's neck, over and over and over. 

"What the fuck?!"

 "Hey, get off of him you fucking freak!"

 Izuku is pulled off of the man and punched square in the jaw, his head ringing. His vision gets blurry, but he refuses to let go of his knife. The stinging and pain of the cut on his arm keeps him from falling to the ground, snapping himself back into focus.

 He can't win against this guy in a fist fight, but he has a pretty good chance with a knife.

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