- Chapter 60 -

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He watches Deku walk away. He sighs and looks down at Fenrir. 

"Let's hope that idiot doesn't get himself killed trying to find a fucking cat." 

The paper said that the old man lives somewhere near the edge of town. He starts to walk, and Fenrir follows, the sled being pulled behind him. That shit is way too bulky to be dragging around everywhere!

 He doesn't know why the nerd wants to get involved with those bastards that run everything, but this fucking sled is definitely going to be a pain in the ass. 

"Then why were you cheaper than the backpack I wanted Kacchan?"

What an idiot. They walk past small shops, and even when he looks through the display windows, there are only a few people. It signals some alarm in him, but he puts the feeling down. 

All they have to do is a couple of jobs, get money, buy him some fucking shoes and some decent clothes, then he can get the fuck out of here. The house that they walk to is slightly covered by the tree line. It's a small wooden cabin with some flowers at the front. 

He stomps over to the door, slamming his fist on the wooden door over and over. 

"Hey! I'm here to do the bodyguard job, old man!" 

He stops knocking and waits. There is only silence. Then, right when he's about to start knocking again, the sound of a loud clash and then some bangs break the silence. Fenrir and him glance at each other, and then the door bursts open. 

The old man standing at the doorway is leaning against it, breathing heavily. 



"Apologies young man! I was not expecting someone to actually come!" 

The old man grins up at him, gums and all. The wrinkles on his face are even more noticeable with the strain of his smile. Katsuki grimaces. 

"Well here I fucking am. Let's get this shit over with." 

The old man's grin doesn't leave his face as he waddles away from the doorway. 

"Right! Let me get ready! Come inside!" 

Katsuki hesitates by the door for a second before entering. The small house is cluttered with a thousand stuff, the man moving through them with ease. The man disappears, going up the stairs slowly. 

Katsuki looks at all of the items covering dressers, desks, and other pieces of furniture. He sees a couch covered with a shit ton of quills right in the kitchen– at least he thinks it's a kitchen– and small bottles all piled in one corner by the door. 

This cluttered mess looks like a bunch of shit was thrown around at random, but he soon notices that everything has a place. So, an organized cluttered mess. There is the sound of glass clashing together and he turns around. Fenrir is trying to get in through the door, but the many piles make it hard for him. 

The wolf looks up at him, as if asking what he's supposed to do. 

"Go! You can't fucking fit in here!" 

The last thing he needs is for Fenrir to break anything. Then the old man might take it out of his pay, and he needs every fucking coin he can get. He hears him coming down the stairs and looks over at the staircase that is equally covered with stuff. 

He doesn't look bothered at all, even humming to himself. Katsuki doesn't recognize the tune, and as the man slips on a brown top hat, his grin is again turned to him. 

"My name is Mr. Salmon! And yours?" 

Katsuki wants to make a comment about the old man's name, finding it weird as hell. Mr. Salmon makes his way down the stairs unharmed and takes a cane from a pile that was leaning against the wall. It has a golden head of a bird on it, his fingers around it securely. 


The old man laughs, booming compared to his small stature. 

"Well Bakugou, can you take that basket over there? And that chair, if you don't mind!" 

He makes a small nod over to a wooden chair in the kitchen that has a wooden picnic basket sitting on it. He starts to move towards it, having to be careful not to trip on any of the things on the floor. The old man waddles over to the door, looking at Fenrir. 

"What a nice dog!" 

He pats the wolf's head. Katsuki (Almost falling in the process) swipes the picnic basket with one hand and picks up the chair with the other, the furniture hitting his back. He carefully walks back to the door, where the old man is standing outside, looking at Fenrir with an amused glint in his eyes. 

"I remember when I had a dog! A big old mutt, he would run around with me all the time! My grandson, he is more of a cat person!" 

Katsuki gets outside without ruining any of the mess in the house and shuts the door. Before he can say anything, the old man is already talking again. 

"Now where is that grandson of mine? I swear I saw him in the front yard only a moment ago!"

 He looks over the grass, and then back to Katsuki. 

"I'm sure he'll turn up! Let's start! It's a long walk!" 

With another happy laugh, Mr. Salmon begins to walk, slow and steady. Katsuki walks next to him but keeps walking ahead and having to stop to wait for him to catch up. He stops again, and the old man laughs, his top hat slightly tilted on his head. 

"You young folk! You need to learn how to take it slow, or you'll miss all the good things in life!"

 Katsuki's mood worsens, and he decides if this is the way shit is going to go down, he might as well carry this shit better. He puts the picnic basket on the chair and carries the back of the wooden structure. By then, the man is caught up, and they continue on their way. 

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