- Chapter 57 -

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Maybe bringing up the topic of the backpack was a bad idea, since Izuku feels a dissatisfied prong at remembering it. Bakugou is still walking ahead of him, his hands in his pockets. His balled-up shirt is over him now, crinkled and torn.

 Izuku doubts it's enough to keep warm over the cold. The nearest town is a couple days from here, even longer than the week it took to get here. 

"Right when we get to the next town, that's when we fucking split got it?!"

 Izuku nods, even though the blonde can't see him from here. They continue to walk, the night getting even colder. Hours later, Bakugou shivers slightly, his arms folded around himself. Izuku notices and stops. If Bakugo freezes to death before they can get there, then he will have to wait even longer for his freedom. 

Besides, they have walked far enough for today. Bakugou turns back to him, the typical glare on his face. 

"Why the hell are you stopping?" 

Izuku is digging in his sled, already getting stuff out to make a fire. With them being in the forest with no snow, it'll be easy to get a lot of firewood. He's starting to realize that there are a lot of advantages to not having snow everywhere. He doesn't have to dig around to find one little stick, and he isn't slugging through mountains of snow barely able to see. 

Though he still prefers his home compared to this place. 

"We need to rest, or we won't get very far tomorrow." 

Bakugo huffs, though he's still shivering. 


Fenrir, unable to ever run out of energy, is running around. He can't see him at all, though he can hear him rustling against bushes and stepping on twigs a couple of feet away. They have stopped in a clearer area than the rest of the forest to set up camp. 

The only light is coming from the moon and the stars, shining down on them. Bakugou busies himself, not waiting for Izuku to say anything. He takes out the things for the fire, some rations, and a piece of charcoal and paper. 

He still needs that list from Bakugou, now that things have somewhat settled down. He gets a small spot sectioned out for the fire and Bakugou returns, sticks in his arms. He drops the pile uncaringly on Izuku's sectioned spot and plops down on one of the boulders that surround the area. 

Izuku gets the fire started, and sits by it, flames beginning to grow. Fenrir emerges from the woods, yellow eyes only growing brighter as he approaches the fire. Izuku looks at Bakugou, 

"Are you hungry Kacchan?" 

He huffs, glaring down at him. He scoots to the edge of the boulder, closer to the fire. 

"Hell no. I'm not taking anything from you Deku, it's probably poisoned or some shit."

 Izuku sighs, the fire big enough that he can start cooking the meat. He pulls the smooth material away from the food, taking out his cooking supplies. He catches Bakugou watching him, the frown on his face only growing deeper. But he doesn't say anything, so he continues. 

He makes Fenrir's half first, much to the wolf's delight. He tosses it over to him and the wolf starts to instantly devour it. Izuku reaches for the pan again, ready to start on Katsuki's half. 

"Deku, you're doing that shit wrong." 

Izuku looks at him, red eyes looking down at him with clear annoyance. The light dances on his face, only making his eyes stand out even more.

 "What's wrong about it?" 

Bakugou doesn't answer, just glaring at him. He goes back to trying to make Bakugou's half, but again, he gets another comment. 

"No, dumbass! You have to make sure it doesn't get like that before you-! Damnit, just give it to me!" 

Bakugou stomps over to him, ripping the pan from his hand and angrily sitting down on the ground next to him, grumbling. 

"Seriously, you can't even cook meat right, how the hell are you even alive right now?!" 

Izuku mumbles, turning away from him. 

"The way I make it is fine, Kacchan. You're just picky." 

Bakugou glares at him, the meat sizzling and popping. 

"No, I'm protecting myself! That shit might be good for the dog, but not for human consumption!"

 Izuku doesn't know what he could have done wrong, since this is the way Mr. Toshinori has always made it for him, and he's never had a problem with it before. He'll just let Bakugou do his thing. The popping and crackles of the fire accompanied by the sound of the sizzling meat is music to his ears. 

He closes his eyes, feeling the warmth of the fire on his face and the cool wind on his back. What is Mr. Toshinori doing right now? He's probably with the dogs inside of the house, all sitting by the fire just like he's doing right now. 

The wind is howling outside, and the snow is beating against the windows, but the house is so warm that it doesn't affect them. The dogs are probably all huddled up together, trying to get a bite of Mr. Toshinoris food. The bear is hopefully still feeding them all. 

A feeling of homesickness washes over him. He hopes he doesn't go out as much anymore. The thought of Mr. Toshinori fighting the cold trying to look for some food despite having some already stocked up comes to mind. 

He instantly pushes it out. No good will come from worrying about things like that when he's so far away. Mr. Toshinori is strong, he can take care of himself just fine. He- 

"Oi, shit nerd. Don't fall asleep or I'm going to eat your half!"

 Izuku opens his eyes, Bakugou looking at him, holding the pan towards him. Its cooled down enough now, and Izuku takes the meat from it, putting the hot food in his mouth in one big bite. 

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