- Chapter 27 -

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Mr. Toshinori goes to the pile of meat and takes some before going to the fire. The dogs are running around and panting heavily, racing to different parts of the small house. Izuku glances at the man before focusing on taking off his shoes. 

He tells him the bear fur would make a warm coat or blanket or something. The man seems slightly dazed and he just nods, not saying anything. He prepares the meat and lets it cook in the middle of them. 

"With this, you won't have to go outside as often." 

Izuku doesn't say anything, putting his shoes next to his sleeping area. He says that he still needs to go outside. There are some empty parts of the map that hadn't been filled in yet and he needs to go see what they are if its anything important. 

Mr. Toshinori snaps his head up, eyes wide. 

"What? Why? Izuku," 

He interrupts him, voice firm. He asks what he means by 'why'? It might have been years since he's gotten here, but that doesn't mean he's forgotten about his goal and the whole reason he's doing all of this. 

These words seem to settle some sort of disappointment in the man because he frowns. 

"I understand that but..."

 Izuku is even more confused. Why was he acting like this was a new thing? That is all that is keeping Izuku going, all that matters to him, his goal in life. Even if that means leaving his new family behind, then that's what he has to do. 

"But don't you think it's time to..." 

He hesitates and Izuku stares at him. Was the same man who often told him that honor and avenging those who died unfairly is what makes a man about to tell him not to continue pursuing his mother's killers? 

"To move on? Izuku, it's been years. I'm sure your mother-"

 He doesn't know what his mother would want because he doesn't even know her. Mr. Toshinori nods softly, the mean sizzling. 

"Yes, i know that, but as a guardian I have a responsibility to you."

 Izuku twists his mouth closed lest he says anything harsh. Maybe that's why Mr. Toshinori has been acting strange all of these years. He thinks of Izuku as a son. He's never thought of it like that, but if he were to say one or another, he would consider Mr. Toshinori a father figure.

 Despite that, Izuku can take care of himself. He killed a bear today and got out almost unscathed and even cut it up in a snowstorm, all by himself. 

"That doesn't mean you can take on everything that crosses your path alone. What are you going to do if you do manage to chase down those men? Do you think they are going to fight you one on one if you ask nicely?"

 The man's gruff voice questions, and it makes a fire burn in Izuku's gut and his blood boil. 

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