- Chapter 46 -

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The woman tells him stories as he gets through peeling the vegetables. He doesn't realize that he's stayed out there with her for hours, just listening to her stories. He is silent the rest of the day when he is forced to go back inside of the house, his brain still buzzing from the adventure and suspense in the woman's past life. It was far more interesting than the boring times of his own life. 

The days pass like that, him going out and hiding from the servants when he could, sitting on the stairs with the women while helping with any of the work that she had to do. It would have all been more than fine. If Katsuki grew up like that, shaped and formed by the teachings of the old women and turning into someone kindhearted and bright, like he was on his way to be. 

But that hope had blinded him from what was happening around him. The longer absences of his parents, the depletion of his allowance, and the quality of food he consumed. It was too late when he finally realized what was going on. 

"Are you ready yet Katsuki?" 

He finishes putting his coat on with the help of one of the maids, and eagerly rushes to the doorway, where his parents are standing. Mitsuki Bakugo's skin glows almost just as bright as her piercing red eyes, something that age will never take away from her. To say she is beautiful would be an understatement just like the thousands of other words that could be said about her outward appearance. 

Her husband is the same, with a kinder disposition, he seems more approachable than the headstrong and fiery woman that is his wife. Masaru looks at his son with warm eyes, a smile on his face. 

"Come on Katsuki, we have to get there as soon as possible." 

He grabs both of his parents' hands, a big grin on his face. This is the first time in months that he's been allowed to accompany them outside to their jobs. He doesn't really know what they do, but he remembers his dad telling him he keeps money safe for the higher ups of the kingdom. 

Of course, he knows that that means– He holds himself at a higher standard than all the other kids he's come across– his parents are bankers for people high up in the kingdom. That's probably why they always take forever to come back home, since the kingdom and their home is a good three or four days away. They leave the house, leaving the maids behind. 

He misses seeing the bright and sparkly jews and necklaces that used to hang around his mother's neck, but she had told him that they were at the jeweler getting fixed. They walk down the street together, the people around them screaming and yelling, trying to be heard over the rest of the city that seems to have a life of its own. 

Katsuki can't tear his eyes away from everything, red eyes excitedly looking around in a need to take every detail of the place in. He doesn't notice that he's bouncing up and down, until his mom gives him a stern look. Someone looking outside would think that she was beyond angry with him, but he catches the look of fondness that crosses her eyes.

 Or maybe.... A cold kind of ha-? 

"Katsuki, stop that, okay? We're almost there." 

He nods and stops his movements, continuing to walk normally. He is too busy looking around himself to notice that they are getting further and further away from the main street and closer to small, narrow streets. When he finally does notice the stained brick walls and the shattered bottles on the cold ground, he looks up at his parents. 

He asks where they are going that's so far away. His dad, the man who always knows what to say to calm him down, the man that would never do anything to hurt him, gives him another warm smile. 

"We aren't going anywhere Katsuki. You are." 

He is beyond confused and turns to his mom for clarification. They both stop walking and kneel down to him. They both look so kind, so warm and caring that Katsuki doesn't think anything of what they say. 

"We need you to listen very carefully Katsuki. This is very important. It will help both of us. You wanna help mom and dad, right?" 

He nods at his mother's words, and notices someone coming closer from behind their shoulders. It's a big man, way bigger than his dad, with a cruel smile on his face. He doesn't look friendly, hell he doesn't even look approachable.

 "We need you to go with this man, okay? Be a big boy and do this for us." 

Katsuki looks back at his parents and shakes his head quickly, his breathing picking up slightly. His father notices the change and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. He tells him he can't, why would he need to go with that creepy ass guy? Why the hell were they leaving him with this guy? 

"I know you have a lot of questions, and we'll answer them soon. Just do this for us, son."

 Katsuki stares at his father's warm eyes, and he must have been staring for too long, because it's then that he sees it. The hate and impatience. He doesn't have time to think about it, to feel the hurt before he's turning so fast his head spins and he runs, planning to get the fuck out of there and not turn back.

 That's until the hand that was previously on him so gently is ripping him back, digging into his shoulder so hard that he screams. He looks at his dad, hoping that he's just trying to calm him down, to take care of him, but he doesn't see the love that was previously there. Instead, he sees pure hate. 

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