- Chapter 18 -

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He awakes, a sour taste in his mouth. He had dreamed of nothing again, but even so, the pit in his stomach never went away. He gets up and sees his clothes folded neatly on the floor next to his sleeping place. 

He stands up and begins to put them back on. He feels so much better with her coat on. He doesn't have time to look around his surroundings because the door is busted open, Mr. Toshinori walking in with a big bag in one hand and furs draped over his opposite shoulder. 

The blonde man grins at him, stepping inside and slamming the door securely shut. Snow brushes left and right and up and down as the man walks, dropping the bag and the furs by the door with loud thuds. 

"Good morning young man! How are you feeling?" 

Izuku pulls his coat closer to himself and tells the man he feels good enough to train. This just gets him more booming laughter. One thing he's starting to realize about Mr. Toshinori is that the man is a lot livelier than his body makes him seem. He should take it easy more, especially now that Izuku is up and ready to get out. 

"Patience young man! For now, we must eat!"

 The man goes over to the big bag and pulls out meat, wrapped between pieces of brown paper. His mouth waters at the prospect of being able to eat it, but he turns away. He tells Mr. Toshinori that he can't eat right now, that he has to go and see his sled.

 The man pats his shoulder as he passes, going to start the fire up again. 

"Your sled is just fine. I put it next to the house with the dogs. They will guard it if anything were to happen." 

That doesn't do what Mr. Toshinori thought it was going to do. It just makes Izuku feel even more uneasy. He had heard those dogs, howling and growing closer when he was about to freeze to death. 

He doesn't want them around his only belongings, even if they do belong to Mr. Toshinori. He tells him he still needs to go and check up on it. The man's smile slightly falters, but he nods, the flames licking up at the piece of pierced meat that he set up.

 Izuku tugs on his boots, ties them up, puts his scarf and gloves on, and walks out the door. The wind makes it hard to push open, but when he does, the familiar sting of the snow welcomes him. He feels his shoulders relax and he slams the door shut, the thick wood locking into place.

 He squints as the bright white snow reflects the light of the sun. He puts his gloved hand to the wall of the house and begins to walk. It leads him to the other side of the small home and to a small area blocked off by a wooden fence. 

The dogs are tied up to a post, panting and looking around quickly, huddled together. They are more wolf-like, tongues out as drool slips past their sharp teeth.

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