- Chapter 13 -

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He opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is the unfamiliar ceiling. Unlike the cabin he grew up in, this ceiling was crude, with dents and chips dug into the wood.

He can still hear the sound of the howling wind and snow, which his brain takes as an odd comfort for some reason. He can smell something really good, and it makes his mouth water.

Where is that smell coming from?

His mind feels a little slow because the unfamiliar ceiling doesn't strike him as odd or something to worry about at the moment.

He feels warm and it's a lot better than the freezing cold he felt a while ago. His body feels even more sluggish as he turns his head to look at his surroundings.

Sitting right next to him with legs folded on the floor, is a skeleton like man. He doesn't do anything, just watching Izuku.

Izuku's brain catches up to him then, because he jumps up and backs away from the man as quickly as possible.

The thin blanket that he was laying on is bunched up and pushed away by Izuku's feet as he scrambles up, back to the wall.

The man just watches him do this for a moment, his sunken eyes glinting with something Izuku can't place. His white shirt and pants look way too big for the man, even when he is sitting down.

"Ah, you young kids sure do have a lot of energy."

The man's tone is cheerful but rough at the same time. He has an accent Izuku has never heard before, which makes him even more nervous.

Izuku watches him closely, just staring. When the man doesn't do anything, he asks where he is.

The man just gives him an amused look.

"My home of course. I couldn't leave you out in the snow like that, you would have died."

Izuku looks down at himself only to notice that he isn't wearing the same clothes he was before. He has on a big pair of pants, baggy and heavy. They are being held up by a red belt that is wrapped around him.

The shirt he is wearing is different too, thick and heavy like the pants. He looks back at the man and asks where his clothes are.

"They are with the rest of your stuff. You had to get out of those clothes or what would warming you up do."

Izuku slowly nods before opening his mouth to ask another question. He is stopped by the man when he holds a bony hand up.

"I know you have a lot of questions young man, but first, we must eat."

Its then that Izuku finally realizes where that smell is coming from. The man has a pot of stew under a fire in the corner of the house.

Izuku's stomach rumbles loudly, and he isn't surprised when it kind of hurts. He does get slightly embarrassed when the man just smiles at him.

He holds out a chipped bowl towards him, filled to the brim with the stew. 

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