- Chapter 14 -

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Izuku feels his stomach rumble even louder, but at this point he doesn't find it in himself to care. Instead, his hands rush out towards the bowl, grip the chipped clay, and brings it to his mouth.

He doesn't notice the man staring at him in slight shock as he slurps down the contents in the bowl, gulping and letting out gasps of air only to go back to devouring the stew.

He's done with it in a matter of seconds as he raises his face and looks at the man expectedly. The warm stew helped ease his hunger, but only slightly. The man continues to just stare.

Izuku becomes a little self-conscious once more as he thinks about what the man may be looking at. He brings his arm to his mouth and quickly wipes the stew left over around his mouth.

The man nods slightly before holding up a small wooden spoon.

Izuku's eyes widen, and he looks away, only to look back when he hears the man laugh. It thuds against his skeletal chest and booms around the small home.

"Do not be embarrassed young man! Your hunger is understandable. Please, help yourself to as much as you like!"

Izuku glances at the spoon as the man reaches closer towards him. He snatches it and fills up his bowl with more stew. The man watches him fondly for a moment before getting his own. Izuku slurps up more, slower this time.

He looks at the man who holds his bowl in one hand, slowly eating the stew with the other. The crackling of the fire and the snow blowing outside fills the silence. Izuku notices how little the man has in his bowl compared to himself.

He asks if that is all the man is going to eat. He looks at him, his blue eyes alight with a sort of spark. Izuku stares into them for a moment. He has never seen eyes like that, though he has never really seen anyone other than his parents before.

Also, the way the man speaks sounds a lot different than the smooth way his mother used to speak. It has some similarities, but Izuku finds himself stumbling to understand the way the man's tongue curls around his words.

"Do not worry about me young man! This body doesn't need the nutrients it used to. On the other hand, you are a growing boy! You must get your strength!"

Izuku feels slightly comforted by the man's words, going back to his stew. After eating another bowl, he finally feels full. The man had watched him the whole time, his hands patiently folded in his lap as he crossed his legs.

"Now tell me young man. Why were you out all by yourself in the snow like that?"

Izuku stops for a moment, thinking of what to say. He doesn't want to tell the man the reason he left was to find the people who killed his mother. What if this man was in league with them? 

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