- Chapter 41 -

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The wolf instantly jumps towards the packaged meat before it can even touch the ground, ripping and tearing into it. While its distracted, Izuku glances behind him. He locates the tools he needs to start the fire and takes some of the sticks from the bundle of wood. 

The wolf is still eating when he's finished, and he slowly sits down in the snow. The wolf perks up, yellow eyes locked onto him. When he doesn't move, the wolf continues to eat. Izuku stares at it. 

He had noticed how light it had been when he was throwing it around, but now seeing it eat the meat like it was its first meal made him realize that this wolf had probably been starving. He busies himself with making the fire. 

The wolf watches from over at its spot, eyes flickering as the flames lick up towards the sky. Izuku puts his gloved hands towards it, warming up. He begins to cook the meat, and still the wolf watches with curiosity.

 It still hasn't moved at all, and Izuku figures its tired of fighting like he is. Izuku watches the meat sizzle and pop, and once he deems it ready to eat, he devours it. The wolf shifts to its feet, taking a hesitant step closer to him. 

He pauses, a piece of meat in his hands. He glances at it then back at the animal before tossing the food. The wolf sprints towards him, even closer, and eats, teeth digging into the meat. Izuku watches its canines gleam in the fire light for a moment before looking back at his gloved hands.

 The two of them sit there, the snow wisping and the fire crackling, Izuku having to bring it back to life sometimes. The wolf finishes his food and curls up, staring at the fire. The moon is beginning to rise, and only then does Izuku let the fire die out. 

He stands, the wolf getting to its feet again, growling. Izuku doesn't pay it any mind as he grips the rope of his sled and begins to pull it. He steps over the place the fire used to be, continuing on his way. He turns to see the wolf watching after him, yellow eyes shining. He turns back.

 Hopefully that wolf finds something to eat once it gets hungry again. How long has it been running around in the snow like that? Don't wolves usually travel in packs or something? Maybe more wolves are looking for it.

 He'll have to tell Mr. Toshinori about this. Maybe the man knows more about wolves and can tell him more about them. Izuku brightens up when a certain thought comes to his mind. Maybe he can learn for himself and tell him about it instead. 

He would be super surprised that Izuku learned so much. His footsteps ring in his ears, but he glances back when he hears another pair. The wolf stops, looking back at him. Izuku takes another step, and it follows.


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