- Chapter 45 -

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He digs the blade in carefully, so he doesn't cut it too deep. The potato skin lifts slightly, and he grins to himself. Who needs help now old ha- The blade slips and goes toward his other hand that was holding the potato, cutting the fat of his thumb. 

He instantly drops the items, blood flowing out of the deep cut almost instantly. It stings, it hurts, and he can't help the tears that fill his eyes. The old women just watches, the amusement turning into something else. 

"You must always cut away from you, young man."

 He glares at her, looking away from his now bleeding hand. He tells her that it's her fault that he cut himself. She shakes her head slowly, a wrinkled hand going to the pocket of her apron. She brings out bandages and holds her other hand out. 

"It's your own fault for not letting me teach you. But maybe this will do you good. Let me bandage you up and you can try again." 

Katsuki reluctantly rests his bleeding hand against the old womens own, and she carefully begins to bandage his hand. He mutters out that he isn't going to try again. Why should he when it's her job anyway.

 "Keep thinking like that and you'll have no future young man. Who do you think is going to take care of you when you're older?" 

Katsuki answers that his parents will always take care of him. The old women tightens the bandage. 

"Wrong answer. You will. No matter what, the only person you can rely on is yourself."

 Katsuki furrows his brows and goes to say something, but the old women drops his hand. 

"But it seems your still too young to understand that. Now, try again." 

He picks the knife and the potato back up. He angles the blade so that it's facing away from his other hand and begins to make another cut. The old women smile at him, dimples on her face. 

"Good, very good. Now peel it, make sure to rotate it in your hand and go down as you do... nice work..."

 With the old women's voice encouraging him, Katsuki focuses solely on peeling until there is no skin left. He grins, looking back at the women. See, he knew he could do it. The women lets out another laugh, 

"Yes, you did amazing. How does it feel now that you've mastered peeling potatoes on your own, young man." 

Katsuki shrugs, dropping the peeled potato in the bucket with the others and the skin in the other. He says it really isn't that big of a deal, but the women's smile grows. Katsuki hopes she isn't a witch because then she'd be able to see his racing heart and the feeling of accomplishment racing through his veins.

 "I'll let you keep practicing."

 Katsuki doesn't need to be told twice, moving up the stone steps next to the old women, continuing to peel potatoes. 

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