- Chapter 3 -

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He promises.

She kisses his head, looks into his eyes, and smiles.

"Thats my big boy."

She grabs him and lifts the heavy hatch to the cellar. Its cold and dark when Izuku looks down the ladder. He looks at her, scared. She gives him a smile, the tears never stopping.

"You can do this Izuku. I know you can."

She repeats. He lets go of her hand and goes down the wrings of the cold metal ladder. His hands are already freezing. He looks up at her, looking for instructions, hoping that she will change her mind and come down with him.

"Good, You're- You're doing such a perfect job my Izuku. Now hide in the barrel of fish. I know its gross Izuku, but you have to do it. Hide and don't come out until you finish counting."

Izuku nods and she gives him one last smile.

"Izuku, my precious baby. You have been the light of my life this whole time... This whole ocean of snow, this whole world, doesn't mean anything if you're not in it."

He wants to scream at her that he feels the same way about her, that he wouldn't even be alive without her. But she told him to be quiet, so he will. No matter how much it hurts.

"Mommy will keep you safe, and even if you can't see me anymore, I'll always be in your heart, watching over you. Always remember that i have always, always, loved you."

He doesn't want that. He wants to be able to see her, to hear her, to feel her. He reaches his hand out one last time, and she cries. His small arm reaches as high as it can go, his fingers straining to graze her.

Her tears landing on his cheeks and mixing with his own is the only thing he feels before she slams the hatch shut.

Its... cold.

He goes down the rest of the way, hitting the cold floor when he hears a bang and a loud thud. The door being broken down. He looks toward the hatch, his heart screaming at him to go, but his mind knowing that he has to stay.

He promised.

He hears her screams and another thud. There is laughter and heavy footsteps.

"Leave! Please leave, i have nothing!"

Izuku opens the barrel of fish, the smell making his nose sting. The fishy water sloshes and he prays no one hears him. He goes in legs first, shutting his eyes tight as he goes in deeper.

There is another thud and a slam. The screams of men. Of monsters.

"The bitch threw her fucking soup at me!"

"Hold her down!"

"Fucking whore, who the hell do you think you are?!"

Her screams ring in his ears, and he cries. They laugh and laugh as more slams sound.

"I said, who! The! Hell! Do! You! Think! You! Are!?"

She sobs, her fist hitting the floor over and over.

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